Be very careful of dehydration! by twilight1903 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 2/27/2005 12:19:34 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 1,519
I'm a healthy 21 year old, who recently did Dr. Hulda Clark s Liver/gallbladder flush. My gallbladder was not acting up but I do eat a lot of meat so I thought it would be a good idea to do the flush at least once. I zapped for two weeks and ate lots of apples. The day of the flush I followed her directions, and after I drank the olive oil mixture, I went straight to bed. I was very thirsty but I knew I wasn't supposed to drink, so I didn't. I woke up at midnight feeling very sick but thought that this was to be expected and went back to sleep with great difficulty. I awoke again at 2:30 knowing that something was terribly wrong. I was very weak and very sick to my stomach and I had to crawl to the bathroom. I felt I needed to throw up or go to the bathroom, but all I could do was dry heave. I called my mother who immediatly thought that I was dehydrated and told me to drink, though by this time the thought of drinking was extremely unpleasant. I was able to drink a glass of water which I threw up after 5 minutes. I continued to throw up 4 more times. After this I felt somewhat better and was able to drink some more water and eat some broth very slowly. I steadly improved from there. But the situation was very scary. If I had been any weaker I would not have been able to drink or even get out of bed and would have had to go to the hospital. I think the flush does work. My mom has done it 3 times, but she always breaks the rules and drinks as much water as she wants. I would recommend doing the same. Remember dehydration is very serious, people die from it all the time. Please be careful!
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