Re: I want to do a 30 day fast by chrisb1 ..... Fasting: Water Only
Date: 3/11/2010 3:03:13 AM ( 15 y ago)
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working while fasting?
Ideally no, because you will be expending energy whether mental or physical and wasting food reserves. This will also divert the energy away from healing cleansing.
Fasting has always been known as "the rest cure" and where this means: physically, mentally, and emotionally.
The choice is yours but not a recommended course of action by any qualified fasting supervisor.
The recovery or "refeeding period" is usually equal to the number of days of the fast and beyond, and where again for maximum benefits resting with light graduated daily exercise is beneficial, as are sunbathing, fresh air and warmth throughout.
Overeating is normally a problem for those who have experienced the genuine return of hunger and where restraint is difficult unless supervised. Without the return of hunger then overeating is much easier to control as the body does not have that "demand" for nourishment.
Showering or bathing has the same benefit as long as the bath is not overly hot; this will be enervating wasting your energy and counterproductive to the goals of a fast in conserving and aiding in its recovery.
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