Sore liver by hliddle ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 2/18/2005 9:05:09 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 1,067
I've read your book "The amazing liver cleanse" and beleive that a lot of my symptoms relate to poor liver health. I've done three flushes so far and only got about 50 stones out altogether. Also after I've done a flush I never feel better, in fact I feel a lot worse and now symptoms that I havent seen for ages like swollen glands in my neck and muscle pain have reappeared and havent gone away. Every time I do one my health seems to get worse. Now my liver hurts slightly all the time and my kidneys do sometimes as well. Is it possible that the flush is too much for my body to cope with, especially as I have trouble with vitamin deficiencies that dont respond to diet or supplmentation. I do seem to have a lack of bile but could it be that my phase 2 detoxification isnt working properly and I need to address that with herbs and diet rather than doing flushes.
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