Use the phrase "Adrenal Insufficiency" rather than "Adrenal Fatigue" by Growing Gratitude ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 3/5/2010 1:11:30 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 4,787
For the past few years after a traumatic season working at an inhumane organic farm, I developed what I understood to be adrenal fatigue.
The first endocrinologist told me I was normal and I would be find in a couple years. When I persisted, I then told me to consider seeing a psychiatrist.
I had a ASI indicating stage 3 AF. I then had a ACTH test which indicated borderline secondary adrenal insufficiency. I failed to even get that info from the endo. I happened to read it in another MDs report. The endo, as of last week insisted I was fine.
This gaslighting, implying I was crazy and the data being ignored made it painful to pursue care. I picked it up again and asked for a second opinion. This MD, while he began to deny my test, when I showed him on paper the MDs report spelling out the phrase "borderline secondary adrenal insufficiency," he acknowledged it.
What I learned is using the term "adrenal fatigue" is heretical to them - seems like I was trying to get a priest into satanism, by the way conventional MDs acted, despite the hard data in my test results. So say "adrenal insufficiency."
I learned from the start though ASI test kits are NIH approved, there is controversy about their results. I also learned that there is controversy over the ACTH tests! What are we supposed to do while these MDs figure this out?
Soon I will have the "ITT" test which is another thing I have yet to read of in any of the literature or web sites. Apparently it is the gold standard for adrenal tests and also checks the pituitary.
He says steroids are what he would recommend for life. At first I was opposed, then I thought I would try anything, yet upon doing research, it seems like steroids would be a short term solution with potential for danger as diabetes runs in my family. So I wonder if any folks have tried Dr. Lams' protocols or Dr. Borkins' for AI. Please post and let me know.
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