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Caution: Everyone is Unique by WhiteIris ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   2/2/2005 11:38:42 PM ( 20 y ago)
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This is not meant to scare anyone away from Liver flushing. It is just a note to remind us all that we should listen to our bodies. I am feeling wonderful today as I write this message to you. Yes, Liver Flushing started me on the Road to Recovery. However, successive flushing can be weakening to the system and harmful to the Liver. I strongly recommend liver strengthening herbs to be taken in the weeks before flushing and also afterwards to help the organ heal. I also find that juicing fruits and vegetables allows for a less stressful digestive load and thus more energy is devoted to healing. Proper elimination will also be a priority when attempting a liver flush.

These are simply my suggestions. Everyone is unique with different strengths and weaknessnes.

You may like to read this article, which includes more details about liver flushing. It also mentions how the Liver conforms to the existance of stones within its structure, illustrating why it is a delicate process to remove them. By all accords, we want to be STONE FREE! Just take your time, decrease stress, and love yourself.

~many blessings, gracey

A Liver Cleanse should not be done indiscriminately. It could hurt some more than it helps them. Some people are so clogged that the substance that is in the tissue of the liver is holding the structure of the liver in it's functioning shape. To remove the waste material too quickly could be devastating. This is rare but it does happen. Even though the goal of achieving a clean liver is always beneficial. With some people it will take longer. But, improving diet is first.

A liver cleanse also entails the cleansing of the gallbladder. These two organs work very closely together. Interestingly, the liver and gallbladder will also affect the urinary bladder. Once the liver and gallbladder are healthy the urinary bladder will benefit. Urinary tract infections will not happen with any frequency.

Often many remedies are given for a variety of different ailments with little or no effect. Assuming that the remedy was the proper remedy there is a very common reason why it may not work. Often times the organs that digest the remedy are for various reasons not capable of using or converting the remedy into something useful for the body that will alleviate its malady. In this case the proper remedy will have little or no effect.

A good and proper remedy is intended to bring about equilibrium and restore harmony among the organs, which is what health is.

Organs sometimes function poorly or not at all for various reasons. The most obvious and most overlooked reason is that the organs may be clogged with various kinds of toxins & impurities (sludge) from various obvious and not-so-obvious sources. This sludge can incapacitate our organs by cutting off blood and/or air supply, effectively immobilizing the organ.

If basic life-sustaining substances, i.e. Foods, do not reach an organ how then can a remedy be expected to properly be introduced into it.

This is why in the practice of Western Herbalism there is an awareness that the cleaning of the body is often the first and most essential step towards it's healing. Without a clean body there is little hope of permanent and sustained relief from an ailment. Once the body and its organs have been properly cleansed all natural remedies will work more effectively because the various organs will actually receive them.

After being cleansed, artificial substances may react more quickly and strongly than before. But, the cleaner you are the less prone you will be to severe ailments and your recuperation time is less.

There are various ways of cleaning the body and maintaining its cleanliness, eating properly being the best. Many consider a simple purge to be sufficient. Although the principle is correct this usually will only produce a larger than normal bowel evacuation. Many will consider this an all encompassing cleanse. On the whole too much attention is paid to this very superficial approach.

Certainly a clean bowel is of benefit. But consider that if the other major organs are properly maintained and functioning the bowels will likely never get into a serious state.
The reason why cleaning the bowel is so relieving is that the bowels are still digesting what is left of our foods and their toxins. In modern society the bowel literally becomes a garbage dump that due to their natural tendency re-absorb the mucousy toxic sludge being desperately cast there by the body, produces aches, pains and even headaches. At this stage to clean the bowel is extremely beneficial and relief giving. A remedy for purging the bowel will seldom work as well as an enema.

When the body is made to cope with a huge quantity of food and other chemicals of questionable nature it becomes overwhelmed. While the life spirit within the body is feverishly trying to manage these substances it must prioritize what needs to be done in sequence and what should be eliminated out of the organism first.

The most toxic of substances are not as easy to cope with while the more essential substances are being processed i.e. digested. This overwhelming, results in the temporary placement of these substances into various "pockets" throughout the body. This is all that the wrongly coined ailment, "leaky gut" is; the body overwhelmed by waste material trying to save itself. A porous organ (the intestine) so overloaded to overflowing that it can only disperse its contents by allowing them to ooze through its outer membrane. The term "leaky" can therefore be used for any organ. It just isn't recognized as such. This is when a new term is coined and personal credit is taken for something that the body does as a matter of course.

The body's options at this point have become limited by the habits of its user. This results into all kinds of other problems. These many excess materials become the fat, plaque, cholesterol, uric acid, etc., cysts, tumors, and all manner of non-descript lumps.

When these accumulated substances sit in their temporary place they often transform their original make-up through fermentation. This produces a series of increasingly more toxic substances and, as is the nature of heat through fermentation, a local inflammation and pain. Should one organ or another attempt to remove these toxicities, their handling of these substances may produce pain in those organs as the toxins concentrate within them.

In some people even the mildest attempt at a proper cleanses can produce strong or even violent results. Often they will blame the remedy instead of their own toxic build up.

The organs are all trying to put these things into the stomach and from there into the bowel i.e. re-digest them. If there are too many for the bowel to cope with because of their toxic nature the organ removing them has no option but to hold on to them. This will produce pain in those organs.

Commonly, the back in the area of the kidneys is painful, because of their attempt to process the toxins. An enema will likely remove the pain.

These toxins are often invisible to modern technologies. And, even if they are seen there is little that can intelligently be done about them by their methods. Also, it should be understood that many of these substances are accepted as normal by modern day thinkers. These are the products of their thinking and it is difficult for most of us to see fault in ourselves and what extends from us. We are mostly blind to our own vanity. Therefore, many people in real pain are often told that, "everything is normal," or, "it's all in your head."

The norm in our modern society is actually abnormal.

When the body tries to eliminate these poisons we have discomfort depending on where the body is trying to eliminate them through. If they come out through the skin we get a rash. If they are in the joints we might get an inflammation called arthritis. Etc.
This and other ailments like it are seen as the body attacking itself, i.e. autoimmune diseases. How misunderstood these simple yet uncomfortable ailments are. With this premise is it any wonder that they are not healed?

The body as such will not attack itself. Nature, however, will attack, with the intent of removing what is foreign to it, in the same manner that it does a sliver of wood lodged in your finger. In the rest of the body this "sliver" may have innumerable shapes and make-ups, but in principle the aim is the same.

The natural laws that provoke these effects are blind and without prejudice. This order has always existed and is simple and obvious to the observer of Nature. It is up to the individual to learn to recognize them and abide by them for his own peace. As far as the body is concerned our health is our own concern; we have brought about our own ailments. Seldom, is it a mysterious gene or virus.

The body will prepare a certain food for a certain organ, which intern will release a specific energy while producing a specific excrement. If this excrement is overabundant and not completely eliminated through the blood it is often stored or passed onto another organ. Or, if the next organ in the natural sequence cannot receive it, it is retained. Depending on the substance the organ will either become too warm or too cool. Inflamed or clogged. Logically, as there are various organs working with different substances so are there various kinds of toxins and therefore there are specific purges for the different organs.

Some believe that fasting is an effective way of letting the body clean itself. Which it is! But, imagine all of the above mentioned toxins moving through the organs all at once, which a fast can provoke. This could be very uncomfortable as well as dangerous to various organs, especially the heart.

Clearly, fasting alone may not be enough to eliminate some of the very hardened substances within the organs. Once the organs have been properly cleaned however, fasting is much more effective and safer as well as easier.

The first organs to be brought back into functioning order should be the digestive and eliminatory organs as they prepare the food for the rest of the body as well as eliminating the slag. It is interesting how this affects female functions.

The Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Kidneys & Lungs should be looked at first with special emphasis on the Liver as a starting point. The Liver is the largest organ in the body whose function is to build and maintain the flesh and remove toxins out of the blood. If the Liver function is not restored proper health will not be achieved.

Although a colonic irrigation may be very useful, those who believe that to cleanse the colon is the ultimate cleanse will be surprised to learn that a good Liver cleanse and an ONGOING proper diet will ultimately clean the entire bowel MORE thoroughly than any kind of colonic irrigation. Although in the cleaning process some enemas may be necessary and often the only relief from the discomforts caused by the great volumes of toxins that will be expelled due to the liver cleanse.

The kidneys, which receive the overflow of waters from the liver and with it, often due to improper diet, receive solid wastes not suited to their function, which can cause pain or inflammation, or will accumulate producing mucus, gravel and stones. A purging of the bowel can not remove these accumulations. The remedy for this organ must therefore differ from that of another organ. As with the liver, should the kidneys be inflamed precautions must observed prior to flushing them clean.

When these organs are cleaned and brought back to health the Lungs will usually balance themselves and because the body's digestion and elimination has been restored with proper food total health is achievable. Also, should one be in need of a homeopathic remedy they will also be much more complete in their effectiveness.
With these cleanses the bodies three main filtering systems have also been opened in order that the solid, liquid, and gaseous foods we require to live can be properly converted into energy, and healthy flesh and blood.



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