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Enclosed! +Love +Truth, + Zoloft/Antidepressant Info Bomb +edit (Re: Need encouragement by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   2/25/2010 8:14:12 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   8,749

Heya Bundles!

Lots of good stuff below.  Just a reminder - I know you already know a lot of this (or may have read it before on the forum, or elsewhere), but I like to answer posts for everyone (since after a few months, many end up with several hundred hits).

Folks, I wonder sometimes how we ended up in this little corner of the world, turning to this forum for solace!...Oooh, I know, I know!  Ask ME!  It's because there's REAL love here - and because (unlike the 'mass majority'), we really DO care about each other.  Healing is SO much more than just the physical - and so is LIVING everyday.  This ole world is just one great big "love & caring void". :(

I'm not doing so well, and I could use some encouragement. My problems aren't all that bad in the grand scheme of things... but I'm feeling pretty low. Y'know, if the absolute worst thing that had ever happened to you in your whole life was a tiny lil' papercut, it would still be the absolutely worst thing that had ever happened to YOU....and worthy of asking for encouragement.  And your issues are bigger than a paper cut!  

(No, Uny, it's not typical depression. It's different. Read on.)  Just quickly scanned through your post and I can see that it's not all typical depression, but it's VERY likely that some things are related to your antidepressant.  Please read/reread this about "side effects" first:

Allow me to discuss the term "side effects".  These two words are VERY often misunderstood...they are taken to mean that unless one sees or feels 'whatever' is on the list of side-effects, that the side effects are NOT occurring. 


Each side effect that is listed on a side-effect 'profile' is a SYMPTOM of the chemical action of a drug (supplement or isolated nutrient) in the body that causes that side-effect/symptom to appear.  This action (whatever it may be) is generally not explained or evident to a user.   The chemical action of the substance IS happening, whether or not the side-effect actually appears!  When there are no apparent side-effects, this only means that the body IS fighting, and has the strength to combat the action of the drug (to the point of not exhibiting the symptom of the action the drug IS causing). 

Hence, many people believe erroneously that because they've taken a drug for several days, weeks, months or years (and experienced no obvious side-effects during that time) that's it's impossible for "new" issues to be related to the same drug they've been taking for some time, without experiencing side-effects.   It doesn't work that way - in fact, just the opposite is true (the longer you take a drug, the more likely you are to start exhibiting side-effects).  People don't generally develop the side-effect of liver destruction from drinking a 6 pack a day for a few weeks or months (or even years), nor does it appear out of nowhere instantaneosly.  The same with cigarettes (or anything toxic, actually) - although the damage IS being done, our bodies (being the miraculous things they are) are able to combat & neutralize these chemicals for quite some time, before the side-effects become very real symptoms and/or evidence of damage.  Luckily for us, the body's ability to heal & restore itself is infinite; even if we take these drugs/chemicals to the point we exhibit the result of our body becoming exhausted and no longer able to fight & defend itself, it's almost ALWAYS possible to undo the damage (and of course, correct the original cause/need for a toxic bandaid).

My heart is still racing/pounding -- seems like it's getting worse -- and I had another spell of light-headedness today. Fortunately it was mild compared to the Big Faint last week and the episode in Dec.... I turned out my office lights and lay down on the floor. I had eaten a small lunch (1/2 apple, a slice of sprouted grain bread w/ coconut oil, and then about an hour later a cup & half of pea soup). Afterwards i got extremely drowsy again. Really, really drowsy. I was thinking i needed to lie down. A co-worker made a crack like "You just need to get some caffeine back into your system". (grrrr.... she knows how hard it's been to cut down this far).... Then within 5 min. I was light-headed & had to lie down.  Once you have a chance to look at everything you're experiencing and reporting logically (I know you're an expert at that!), without fear & anxiety, I'm sure you'll see that what is happening IS making sense.  Understanding and healing your body is not something 'beyond the realm of understanding', anymore than understanding how a computer works or how to code in html.  It's LOGICAL, and very simple actually.  Of course, the PTB and the pharmaceutical cartel spent over 900 million dollars from approximately 1900-1930 with a propaganda scheme intentionally designed to make us believe that we need someone that's been to college for 10 years to understand it it's typical for you to be scared and "know" that you need to see a doctor and have a battery of tests.  Their deeply ensconced 'fear card' funds the pharmaceutical giants, and their system IS the third leading cause of death in the USA.  Going to their office and subjecting your body to their battery of tests (many of which worsen you), only makes you feel "safe" because you've been conditioned to feel that way.  Please Bundles, before you make ANY decisions, read (reread?) this, and apply one of the strongest attritutes with which you've been gifted - your sound LOGICAL MIND!  I'm not exaggerating when I say...your life depends on you doing it.  Onward...

Anyway... this thing with my heart is what's really bothering me. Have to admit it's scary. I've never had any "serious" health problems. This probably isn't one either, in fact. But it's scary, nonetheless, being the big ticker

Let's recall all the various things that coffee/caffeine DOES DO, and that your body has been experiencing all these things at various levels, every day for YEARS...

Caffeine "overdose" can happen with just THREE cups of coffee daily - so these things (below) have been happening daily, at some level for years:

...and now your body is rebounding back it's more natural state.  The pendulum is SUPPOSED to swing when it's been yanked to one side and then let takes some time for it to balance itself...and most importantly, it swings to the OPPOSITE direction before it regains the balance.  Let's just focus on ONE of the side-effects:  the "heart symptoms" (which of course, affect the flow of blood & oxygen, which affects every other system substantially).  What would say to someone that's been ingesting a substance that causes an overrapid heartbeat for years, and within a few weeks stopped ingesting a major percentage of it?  You'd say: it's very likely you'll be experiencing all variations of heart rhythm changes until your heart adjusts to the lower levels of caffeine.  And because it's been "forced to beat rapidly", it's likely caused a lot of stress to the muscle, so without the caffeine to "force" it to beat, it's now weaker on it's own (even if there's been ZERO damage, it's still "weaker" because it doesn't have a chemical whipping it into action).  The heart is weaker, so the lack of blood/oxygen flow is less...and periodically the brain says, "YO HEART!!!  We're starvin' for oxygen up here -  we're gettin' dizzy & weak and our blood pressure is dropping/fluctuating and Bundles is looking for her copy of 'Japanese Suicide Rituals for Dummies'!  HEART!  Are you hearing me?...GET ON IT!"  And the heart responds by immediately increasing the strength and speed of the beats, and then it slows back down.  Bundles, we know these are valid biological & physiological facts.   We also know that your antidepressant is likely playing in on MANY levels (not to mention the blend of both toxic chemicals & their reactions (Zoloft & Caffeine combine to create "xyz" blood chemicals & effects, but what does 1/4 of the caffeine & same amount of Zoloft combine to create? For sure it's SOME form of "xyz" at a different level, but the caffeine may raise or lower the blood level of the Zoloft - and if it raises the blood level of the Zoloft, then it raises the side-effects). 

KNOW that Hawthorn heals the heart from far worse damage than what your heart heart has experienced (garlic is a huge healer, too), and cayenne should keep things more balanced & regulated (if you keep the dosages 'balanced & regulated'.

The Heart Herbs: Hawthorn and Garlic - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online

Hawthorn for the Heart - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online

Hawthorn Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online

Hawthorn - David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H.

.I'm not doing well at work -- not as productive as I should be. Yes I'm hard on myself.... but i also know i've been a different person at work the last few months.  Methinks once you put everything together with all the information below, you'll understand MUCH better what is really happening....and although in this society, we don't see it this way, the truth is...?...the truth IS comforting!  Once we know the truth about anything, we know exactly what's happening, and we can figure out what we need to do.  Without the truth, we're sunk.  A very wise man once said, "The Truth will make you free".  :::wink wink:::: ever heard of Him?

My mom is the person I'd always call when sick. Moms can be good at that anyway (who else will hold your head when you puke?! ha)... But now, with my mom's condition, I'm having to be the parent now; and I have to protect her from knowing about this. Selfishly, this sucks. It doesn't just suck (imho), it really sucks.  Making the transformation from the one that has always been cared for & protected, to (*poof* virtually ovenight) being the one who must do ALL the caring & one helluva tough transformation.  And I don't think it's any forum of "selfish" to feel all kinds of grief & sadness when we're going through it.  Sometimes the 'circle of life' just bites.

Yeah I have friends, and siblings. But they don't know much about my natural healing stuff and wouldn't be terribly supportive. So.......... guess I'm feeling kind of alone. That's only natural, eh?  BUT (on the other hand), those that supported & protected (& hid) the Jews from Hitler were also alone; those that were 'fed to the lions' for their beliefs were also alone; thousands of people that "made the difference" in Gandhi's India, were jailed and alone; and Jesus, Gandhi and all the greatest heros in history that lived and did what was truly right (in opposition to their family and their society)...were all alone.  Guess what?  You are NEVER alone, because their spirits and their 'energy' (and their 'rightness' and the love & respect they earned) YOURS, and is with you EVERY second of your life.  I don't know about you, but I wanna hang with THAT crowd!!

I did see an MD and am getting bloodword done in the morning. He also wants me to wear a Holter monitor. I'm going to do these things... but he also recommended a CT scan, and I'm scared of that based on what I've read here. I don't plan on doing that unless the other tests don't lead us anywhere. Or not at all.  I understand (truly) where you are on your 'stairsteps of learning & understanding', and I really do understand why you believe you need these things - but I also love you.  If the Holter shows arrhythmias, your doctor will likely insist on some kind of heart drug (or two/three drug combo), and if you say no, he'll do what he's trained to do - and that's (most likely) play some version of the 'fear card'.  If the the blood tests show abnormalities (virtually every one does), he'll write the 'scripts (and maybe play a fear card if you ask questions).  Physicians for centuries have been able to diagnose adequately without CTs & MRIs.  Bundles, they are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!!!!  Please, please PLEASE do not even CONSIDER having a CT.  My uncle ended up on dialysis for weeks after one, and there are MANY reports of permanent kidney damage and lifelong dialysis and death.  Read this post (and the link it contains) - this is posted by an RN who really knows her stuff:

As you can see I'm on the fence about natural healing vs. allopathic med. Still learning. I'm not at the place yet where I can eschew allopathic medicine. Have to be honest here. On the other hand, I sure as heck won't proceed blindly w/ anything they suggest.  Honesty is a GOOD thing.  It's your body - I just want to be sure when you're making your choices that you have all the available data you need to make a healthy choice (you, and everybody else).  The allopathic system (admitted BY the allopathic system), really IS the third leading cause of death (and that was 10 years ago -it's now estimated by data-crunchers that it's now the leading cause of death).  And that's why I'm such a zealot and crusader for pushing people to read & learn the matter how 'whacky' people think I am.  

If someone holds up something that's green and we respond that it's purple (but it really is green!), if we're not color blind...well then, Houston, we have a problem.  That problem is well over a hundred years of deeply ensconsed propaganda...and it makes us believe that 'green allopathic medicine & physicians are really purple healers that you can trust'.  Remember, it's the truth that the AMA and the Pharmaceutical Cartel are one and the same (at the turn of the century the AMA was going bankrupt and was 'bailed out' by the investors in the Pharmaceutical Cartels)...and since the mid 1930's  healers have been required to attend AMA universities for 10-12 years to get an AMA license; the curriculum has been designed by the AMA/PC. 

You're definitely not stupid - you're not dull or stubborn or rebellious or hard-headed (none of us are, or were!) -- virtually everyone on this forum has been in exactly the same place as you at some time of their life, facing the same choices.  It's HARD to change a belief system that you've been saturated in all your life.  It's really hard on our egos and self-confidence; it's MUCH easier for people that have been harmed (or had a family member damaged or killed by allopathic my mom has been).  Or like many others on CZ that have watched family members that were relatively healthy with a tiny tumor die miserable deaths from chemotherapy or radiation, or those that had their gallbladders carved out, only to get worse and have to take strong meds the rest of their life).  Those that have tapped out their insurance (only to get worse) and then spent thousands on alternative medicine find it FAR easier to understand and "jump into" natural health & healing.

Of all the things/links in this post, the one I want you to read the most is this one:  And I'm going to ask you to read it as a personal request/ you'll "k-n-o-w know" that there really are very qualififed practicitoners out there that agree with what I'm saying (that aren't just crazy old hippies out in the sticks of Iowa); so that you'll "k-n-o-w know" that there are millions of other people that are in the same boat; so that you can see & examine all the evil/harmful lies we've been spoon-fed all our lives (so you can get the strength & courage to fight this battle come out blazing the victory trumpets!)... and I want you to read it because I care about you, and want very badly for you to be in control of your health & body (hence life).  But the only thing that's ever going to do that is Truth...and a few people in a forum on the internet isn't a valid enough or strong enough Truth to undo a lifetime of deeply-ensconced, evil, greedy lies (that you've always KNOWN are in your best interest).

I understand Bundles, and I'm not going to beat you up for going to an MD.  All in the world I want is for you make your own informed choices about your own body...and right now, those choices are based on the information you have.  If that's your comfort zone right now, then that's your comfort zone...and I know you already know enough to not expose yourself to unnecessary dangerous tests, and I know you already know enough to not view your doctor as God (and accept any prescription or diagnosis without researching it fully).  None of us can EVER be on any 'stairstep' except the one we're on - no one can ever start anywhere except exactly where they are...and all of us have a LOT of learning stairsteps to climb.  I've been on your stairstep and now I'm on a different one (still learning, still striving), but there are likely many stairsteps in my life that you've already surmounted that I haven't been on yet (or am stuck on, and can't get off of).  If we ALL help each other to learn and be strong (and take our Superfood, lol), we'll all make it to the top of our own staircases successfully!  YAY!!

Uny, I haven't had the energy to do juicing... I planned to make some tonight but i need sleep desperately & have to get up early in the am. I want to do a juice fast but guess I'm hoping this thing (whatever it is) will settle a bit first.  I totally understand not having the energy to juice and having to get up early!  But that last thing? Here's a quote from the man who invented the first computer:  "On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!], `Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." --Charles Babbage


Trend of Sertraline hydrochloride's drug interactions, side effects, and effectiveness reports

--this list is "partial", the link above has even more information



Zoloft Side Effects:
_ Agitation.
_ Irritability.
_ Deepened depression.
_ Increased risk of suicide.
_ Difficulty urinating.
_ Ejaculation problems.
_ Impotence.
_ Changes in sex drive or ability.
_ Difficulty reaching orgasm.
_ Decreased libido.
_ Upset stomach.
_ Drowsiness.
_ Hair loss.
_ Insomnia or sleeplessness.
_ Nightmares.
_ Weakness.
_ Anxiety.
_ Dry mouth.
_ Sensitivity to sunlight.
_ Changes in appetite or weight.
_ Excessive sweating.
_ Jaw, neck, and back muscle spasms.
_ Slow or difficult speech.
_ Shuffling walk.
_ Tremors. (there are reported links to Zoloft & Parkinsons)
_ Headache.
_ Constipation or diarrhea.
_ Blurred vision.
_ Fever.
_ Irregular heartbeat.


...adverse side effects, including asthenia (a feeling of weakness without an actual loss in strength), diarrhea, gas, headache, indigestion, pain, rash, sore throat, tingling sensations, vomiting, problems with vision, insomnia, gastrointestinal disturbances, confusion, dizziness, tremors, delayed ejaculation in men (anorgasmia), and decreased sex drive. It can induce mania or hypomania in a small percentage of individuals. It has also been known to cause minor weight loss.

(less commonly)...side effects reported include acne, breast pain or enlargement, fainting, double vision, dry or painful eyes, lightheadedness when standing from a sitting or supine position, difficulties breathing, allergic reaction, altered taste sensation, back pain, changeable emotions, difficulty swallowing, cold clammy skin, cataracts, chest pain, fever, fluid retention, flushing, increased salivation, increased libido, inability to stay seated, hearing problems, frequent urination, hair loss, heart attack, general malaise, hot flushes, low blood pressure, migraine, kidney failure lack of coordination, nasal inflammation, hemorrhoids, hiccups, glaucoma, lack of sensation, light sensitivity, increased salivation, inflammation of the penis, depersonalization (an “unreal” feeling), abnormal dreams/thoughts, hallucinations, paranoia, rapid mood swings, tooth-grinding, worsening of depressive symptoms, memory loss, nosebleed, increased urination at night, ringing in the ears, racing heartbeat, rectal hemorrhage, respiratory infection, skin inflammation or eruptions, edema of the wrists or ankles, irregular heartbeat, twitching, yawn, sleepwalking and vaginal hemorrhage or discharge.
The FDA issued a public health alert for Zoloft in March 2004 warning that Zoloft side effects include deeper depression and an increased suicide risk.


How important is it that you read the information in the link following?

huge important! :::grin:::


Adrenal issues - there is no doubt (zero, nada zilch) that SSRI's & SNRIs are very capable of causing various levels of adrenal stress & damage.  This forced "adrenal action" may be one of the reasons for the typical 'withdrawal syndromes' associated with antidepressants.  The adrenals have been weakened by being forced into the action & the person is constantly "numbed" by the fluoride in the drug (if it's fluoridated - but we're "numbed" even if it's not)...take away the effect of the "numbing" (allowing one's true emotions 'out of the chemical box'), and the adrenals are to distressed to cope adequately (just a theory of mine, but, having been through it all, it makes sense to me).

General info on adrenals:

When you have a traumatic experience, your body produces a number of physical reactions - these events provoke a fight and flight response. The hormone responsible for this response is called adrenalin or epinephrine, but this hormone can not be used very frequently without consequences.

If you use epinephrine or adrenaline too frequently, eventually your body will experience imbalance and the adrenal medulla becomes exhausted. The adrenal cortex hormones are considered essential for life. Animals with the adrenal glands removed will only survive in an environment with proper nutrition and freedom from stress.

How antidepressants stress & harm the adrenals (the only emphasis that is mine is that in rust/red, the rest is from the original document):

"But why do I hear people talking about benefits from these SSRI-AntiDepressants?", you might want to ask in this stage. "They surely must work somehow don't they?" The answer is yes, they "work" somehow, but not in a very proper way. The mechanism of action on serotonergic neurons implies a lot of other neuro- endocrine responses. What actually happens when you increase serotonergic neuronal activity or elevate your serotonin levels is this: the stress hormones "Cortisol" & "Adrenaline" (Epinephrine) in the brain and body are triggered by increased serotonergic activity or elevated serotonin levels. It is a natural reaction from the body to combat the excessive serotonin levels. These released hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, are secreted from the "Adrenal Glands." They give the human personality a boost, producing a euphoric state, which can last for a prolonged period of time. In this manner SSRI-AntiDepressants initially produce the deceptive results the doctor and "patient" are both expecting. *

If a patient continues to ingest a particular SSRI-antidepressant over a prolonged period of time, eventually the bodies Adrenal Glands may lose their efficiency and "Adrenal Exhaustion Syndrome" will be the end result. Adrenal Exhaustion causes levels of adrenaline initially to fall and levels of cortisol to rise. Ultimately, also cortisol levels fall. When untreated, Adrenal Exhaustion will lead to seriously declining physical health. Many (former) SSRI-AntiDepressant users reported fatigue as a long term side-effect or were diagnosed with "Chronigue Fatigue Syndrome." People suffering from stress are generally diagnosed with this disorder. Symptoms range from simple exhaustion to much more complex problems that are secondary to excessive output of adrenal hormones in the bloodstream, leading to Adrenal Exhaustion. Unlike the other hormones, it takes a long time before the Adrenal Glands have their adrenaline levels restored. Could we say that the SSRI-AntiDepressant "works" by slowly excavating the body's Adrenal Glands?

*   [ Actually, when a family doctor (GP) or psychiatrist is observing a patient in a "euphoric" state of being, this should ring warning bells immediately! The drug induced (iatrogenic) conditions Akathisia & Mania are well documented in the medical litarature. Drug induced Mania, an abnormally elated mental state, typically characterized by feelings of euphoria, racing thoughts and talkativeness, is a "forerunner" of Akathisia, a neurologically driven agitation ranging from mild leg tapping, feeling "caffeinated" to severe panic, an extreme manic state and hyper-sensitivity of the nervous system.   Akathisia can lead to suicidal, aggressive and/or homicidal thoughts and behaviours. When a doctor or psychiatrist is observing symptoms of mania and/or akathisia in a patient, SSRI-AntiDepressant use should be discontinued immediately!    The pharmaceutical companies are well informed regarding above mentioned conditions and the capacity of their antidepressant inducing these symptoms. Therefore it is strongly advised to medical professionals, physicians, to monitor a patient very closely after prescription of (SSRI) anti-depressant treatment.    In the field of Bio-Psychiatry it was a conventional common thought that hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system dysregulation/hyperactivity (and thus excessive secretion of cortisol) played an important role in the pathophysiology of depression and that normalization of HPA axis hyperactivity could be achieved by (SSRI) anti-depressant treatment, and thus relief of depression. However, a study and a case report involving the non-SSRI antidepressant Remeron (mirtazapine) and a review show us that nor amelioration of HPA system dysregulation, nor reduction of cortisol secretion in depressed patients is correlated with relief of symptoms of depression. See: (1), (2), (3). Furthermore, a study developed by D. Jezova & R. Duncko, Laboratory of Pharmacological Neuroendocrinology, demonstrated that repeated SSRI-antidepressant treatment in healthy men does not inhibit, but enhances stress-induced pituitary hormone release (neuroendocrine activation). Cortisol levels failed to be modified by antidepressants. A simple search through available PubMed articles uncovers clearly that SSRI-antidepressants not only fail to modify cortisol, but actually stimulate/increase cortisol release. See: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6).    Initially the rise in cortisol & adrenaline (secreted from the Adrenal Glands) may create the illusion of a patient making progress in his/her situation, but a potential tragedy may be surfacing very soon. It is very well known that (SSRI-AntiDepressant induced) increased cortisol secretion can lead to violent suicidal behaviour.
(I would like to encourage you to use your discernment when viewing antidepressant involved suicide/homicide/violence cases represented by the media. In the section casualties of this website, these cases are carefully stored up to be a "silent" witness for the future, in order to testify regarding the devastating & powerful destructive effects these "legal drugs" exercised on children, adolescents and adults, not discriminating between men and women). ]


Caffeine & Zoloft (yes, someone has 'done a study' - and the results are basically this (easy to understand explanation) : (made you click! :)  So, I've been wondering how in the WORLD you could ingest such strong/heavy doses of caffeine, and not already have totally 'crashed & burned' with anxiety, but now we see Zoloft somehow increases 'caffeine oxidation', resulting in a lower level of caffeine.


In conclusion (whew, this turned out to be a "biggie", eh?) - THE most important thing I believe you need to remember is this:  when we diagnose ourselves (or anyone else) the safest rule of thumb is: "look for the horses before you start looking for and imagining zebras!"....always be SURE to look for the most obvious & logical answers.  THE most obvious & logical conclusion (after reading and learning "all of the above"), is that after 15 years on Zoloft, you're exhibiting a LOT of the side-effects - every symptom you've reported has been reported by others (multiplied by caffeine addiction/withdrawal, mom stress and worry/anxiety/fear about what's happening).  The most healthy, logical and natural solution?  Do what the doctors do - "rule out" the Zoloft (as in, get off it and see if your symptoms go away - if they do, you know it was the Zoloft; if they don't, then you've 'ruled out' the possibility of it being Zoloft.

What do I recommend?  Do a 30 day juice fast -- or as much as you can daily...definitely as vegan as possible when not juicing (while plowing yourself with Omega 3's, Superfood, Ashwagandha & Cayenne).  Since Zoloft has a long half-life and isn't as likely to throw you ultra-harsh adverse symptoms, you can use the St. John's to wean off the Zoloft (and might be able to be completely off in 30 days).  If you can't get off entirely, then you can knock out a big percentage of your dose (and see if your symptoms don't decrease along the same percentage). 

That's what I would do; but  I haven't been to physician (except to yak at a psychiatrist 18 minutes every 6 months to get my Prozac when I was using it) for over 12 years.  I'm gonna guess that you don't feel like you can do all that (or you're afraid to try, or you'd rather depend on the doctor --in full or in part).  I want you to do what YOU are most comfortable with, and what YOU think is best for you.  And I also want you to believe that you CAN do anything you set your mind to do.  If you think you should do a juice fast, but "know" you "can't", then ask yourself: if someone were holding a gun to your head, could you?  If the doctor told you had to, could you?  Of course, if you don't think you should juice-fast and do everything naturally, then that doesn't apply...but I wanted to give you a "tool for winning" if you need one :)

All done Uny - handing off to Bundles :)

Healthiest of blessings!!


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