Re: what do my cortisol levels tell you? by itsnotinmyhead ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 2/20/2010 7:55:10 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 6,030
I don't wake up at night. I sleep allll night...I pass the heck out at 9pm and I can't wake up worth crap the next day...I could sleep forrrever. I have no insomnia issues. I want to sleep all of the time and have no problem doing it, but I am still a zombie 24/7. ( also with really low blood pressure and postural hypotension...)
Yes I tested before I started adrenals, but the test that was done didn't include my cortisol.
That one just showed, low epinephrine, low norepinephrine, low serotonin, low dopamine and high histamine.
My DHEA levels weren't tested back in Nov. before I started some supplementing, but as of 1 month ago it was hiiiighh-
7:40am- 1,023.8 optimal range- 200-400
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