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Re: Which of these caused my Adrenal Fatigue? by itsnotinmyhead ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   2/19/2010 7:28:07 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   6,497

Ahh I understand that, however I was born with Asthma and allergies....I was dealing with it since a young wouldn't it make sense that the stress from asthma caused the adrenal fatigue?
My asthma is significantly better than it was 6 yrs ago and improved greatly after moving off of the farm.

When my tests came back, they were extremely low in epinephrine and norepinephrine. Now my naturopath is focusing not only on the entire adrenal function but to fix those 2 as well.

I have a concern with Iodine that supplementing too much could possily make things worse. But if what I've read is correct ...that Iodine is to blame for nodules and thyroid cancer it would make sense b/c my cousins condition progressed like so:
*starting with all of the adrenal/thyroid symptoms*
*put on zoloft for 10 years* (thought just depressed??)
*nodule appears*
*sits for 2+ years due to her being pregnant at the time*
*determined the NODULE itself wasn't cancerous(and at the time hadn't tested the rest of the thyroid)*
*decided to remove it and the bad part of the thyroid anyway*
*after the rest was finally tested and was cancerous*

Would I be right to imply it was the lack of Iodine that caused the nodule, and continued to feed the nodule to grow which then made the rest of the thyroid cancerous?
--but after the bad part of the thyroid was removed she felt better than EVER!?
I'm confused...

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