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Truth Is Refreshing...........;))Re: 80%+ "Positive Results" = what exactly??? (edit) Re: What I did to heal Leaky Gut by Willowley ..... Leaky Gut Support Forum

Date:   2/10/2010 1:39:22 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   13,952

You're very welcome Teresa, GREAT post and absolutely true! You're gonna do FANTASTIC, I have no doubt!

We have all been so conditioned by TPTB, especially where our health is concerned.  We have been conditioned from birth to run to the doctor every time any little thing goes wrong and to put our very lives in the hands of the medical profession whose job it is to treat the symptom but never to HEAL.  I feel so very blessed to have been led to this forum where Uny and Rocky tell the absolute TRUTH regarding our health.  

They have created a place of love and light and truth!  The knowledge Uny shares with us is so EMPOWERING and can change our lives.  I was fortunate in that I was never conditioned to believe in doctors, just the opposite actually but for those who think only a doctor can save their lives this is definitely the place to be.  I've never even had a family doctor and fortunately I've not been sick but I never knew how to heal my body using only what God put here for that very purpose until I found this forum.

The more that come here and learn how to heal naturally the more we have that 'one person at a time' thing going on!  YAY!

Abundant blessings,




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