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Chelating should NOT be done with mercury amalgams by VX ..... Amalgam Replacement Support Forum

Date:   2/2/2010 12:27:44 PM ( 14 y ago)
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This is for reference in case anyone does a search in CZ in the future.

Problem #1: Chelating should never be done when mercury (or the offending heavy metal) is still present in your dental Amalgams or in your environment. It will make you feel worse and you won't get anywhere. Removing your dental work (root canals) and your mercury fillings (using an IAOMT or Huggins trained dentist only) is the first step.

Problem #2: Cilantro, chlorella, NAC and one one thiol chelators should not be used as your first chelator. As explained in Cutler's book, they don't bind strongly enough to heavy metals and tend to redistrubute instead of eliminate heavy metals from the body.

Problem #3: ALA crosses the brain-blood barrier and should definitely NOT be used until mercury is clear in your blood (at least 4+ months after your fillings are removed and 3 months after you've been chelating with DMSA only). ALA will help you the most, WHEN YOUR BODY IS READY. The PROBLEM with ALA crossing the brain-blood barrier is that mercury goes both ways... if the rest of your body is still toxic with mercury, more mercury can actually go into your brain. Also, ALA should be used in conjunction with DMSA to minimize side effects and mercury distribution.

Problem #4: Chelation should be done in cycles (of 3-14 days). Chelation should not be done all of the time because it also depletes you of minerals your body needs. But it can't be done "here and there" because you promote mercury redistribution instead of elimination from your body.

If people just read his book, they'd know all of this. Mind you, Cutler really needs to revise it so that the average person can follow it.

Anyway, thanks for your word of caution, practical experience is always appreciated.


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