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Re: about megahydrate by aluna ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   12/11/2004 12:07:01 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   4,545

I have not used megahydrate, but I have used Megahydrin and Microhydrin and I can attest to their effectiveness. Both versions alleviated many maladies, such as joint pain, Body Odor , softened my skin, gained a lot of energy, slept better, etc. The formulas are very strong antioxidants that provide your cells with more oxygen.

I understand that Megahydrate, helps to hydrate the cells, and when my current supply of Megahydrin runs out, I intend to purchase six months worth of Megahydrate, because I like to give a supplement plenty of time to do it's thing. With Megahydrin and Microhydrin, the benefits were quite noticable in about 7 days, while taking a theraputic dose of 2 caps, 4x a day.

I have no financial interest in this supplement, but am a very happy customer. However, I wish the price were lower!!!

Can you please provide a link that says it is stronger than grape seed extract please?



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