Gluten, Rice bran, Oat bran, Enzyme inhibitors, sprouting, addiction by Rob1618 ..... The Truth in Medicine
Date: 1/21/2010 4:47:55 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 6,149
Hi hv, if one believes they have a sensitivity to gluten, is there anyway to accurately know this without an allergy test?
Also, does rice bran/oat bran contain any gluten or enzyme inhibitors as found in rice or oats?
Is rice bran/oat bran cooked before packaging?
Pumpkin seeds, you recommend them for their benefits, but I'm curious if they need to be sprouted and dried first to remove harmful effects, namely from enzyme inhibitors. Even if this effect is tolerable by most people you can't ignore that it is a negative effect and I simply want to decrease the load on my system having to deal with negative effects, like allergies to gluten, enzyme inhibitors, etc.
Also, can you explain a little about the advantages and disadvantages of sprouting seeds, do you think it is beneficial or not? What about dehydrating? Does ozone have a place in this process?
Are allergy tests (skin/blood) accurate enough to be useful in your opinion? I think discovering all allergies to a specific person would be one of the most vital parts of forming a healthy diet. Speaking of which, I'm aware a lot of people have lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity, and peanut (bean) allergies, however, what other 'ingested' or food allergies are common? I am starting to become suspicious of just about anything I 'want' to eat. Which now, is mainly Sugar and sweets, since I have mental blocks to gluten and dairy.
Also, ever since eliminating most dairy and grains from my diet (exorphins included) I've had almost zero enjoyment out of life. I suppose an endorphin rush from excercise would be beneficial but I don't have the time right now, is there a safe way to get a mild boost from food or herbs? Such as some people use alcohol, some use marijuana, what is a legal and safe alternative? I know you mentioned kava kava as an alternative for alcohol, and a legal herb I can't remember that gave a 30-60 minute high, is there anything that safely works on endorphins, much like exorphins?
I didn't realize it at the time, but my entire life has been a heavy gluten and dairy addiction cycle. I can't recall a time in my life where I craved things like batterless meat or eggs or vegetables, I only craved cereals, bread, pizza, milk, etc, etc. My favorite activity in the past that shapes who I am is to research on the internet, coincidentally I always eat heavy dairy/wheat products whilst doing so. Which is reasonable to believe that the exorphin reward rush associated itself with 'surfing'. I guess we don't have as much absolute free-will as we tend to think. I would still like to reward myself for these things though so I don't become another type of junkie, like a party-goer or adrenalin/excercise junkie even though those can be beneficial in social/health aspects, it's not me. Hopefully people will realize that their lives can be shaped by such things, and trying to tackle everything by willpower alone is near impossible, you need a little outside help whether it be friend encouragement, foods, adrenalin rewards, other rewards, as all of these act on the brain to push it forward. I'm starting to think we are just animals after a dopamine (reward) rush just like any other animal, except for other animals the rewards are set in stone almost, mating, food, and sometimes social status all give them rewards and desire driven personalities. But for humans it's a much more broad range of drives and rewards, especially since we have an abundant food source and various addiction sources, and I think using addictive sources in the right way, to reward behavior such as studying the same as hard work (as endorphins do) will be the next step in inspiring average peoples curiosity to knowledge, which would have various effects, the most important being more people would see the value in things like preservation of earths resources, which requires developed empathy and understanding to conceive.
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