Re: Results of First Liver Flush by Luv Your Liver ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 11/1/2004 2:34:01 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 2,258
Thanks for your input. Regarding the throwing up, you could very well be right. In spite of that, I am going to opt to not use lemon juice next time (and use the recommended grapefruit juice), as I just about threw it up when drinking it initially!
You know on the different batches of stones coming out at different times: My theory is that the different types congregate in different areas of the liver/gallbladder. So, when they start coming, they start coming from the most vulnerable area first, i.e. the path of least resistence, and since they are congregated in the same area, they are all of the same type. How's that for a stretch! Who knows, I could be completely wrong, but sounds good to me!
I am looking forward to my next flush. I know there's more to go!
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