Attention Please! HEALING IP TESTIMONY by Miss H!!! by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 12/8/2009 12:11:23 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 6,848
As many of you know, Miss Helfinger has just completed her first 30 days on the IP (IP is short for Incurables Program). The link above takes you the first post in her "30 day report"...I'm posting the link here, because her thread is starting to be 'buried' and I want to make sure everyone has a chance to read it. (I'm cross posting because I think everybody on CZ deserves to read it!).
Please join me in thanking Miss H for taking what must have been HOURS to edit all those pictures and create such an expressive, long & detailed report. THANK YOU, Miss H., for your incredible gift.
Now, get your box of tissues and prepare to read the most JOYOUS, uplifting, INSPIRING, encouraging and TRULY BLESSED healing post & testimony that I've seen on Curezone in a VERY long time (maybe ever).
Healthiest of blessings to all --
P.S. For those that have no idea what all the IP entails, here is a post I made to someone that describes the basics:
This is based on the protocols of Dr. Christopher, Dr. Schulze and Dr. Gerson.
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