Re: Breath rate indicates acid/alkaline level by Hveragerthi ..... Alkaline/Acid Debate Forum
Date: 11/29/2009 9:54:48 PM ( 16 y ago)
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lol ! Do you really think I read all your crap!
Yet you somehow manage to comment on virtually all my posts. I guess you must be psychic to know what I am always posting on so you can lie about the posts.
I don't need you to cut and paste Warburg for me! If it wasn't for the mosaic feature I never go to your Ministry of Truth forum.
But I see what you are trying to do and that is convince others that Warburg's theory is not worth expounding upon as their are no answer to cancer other then yours!
Can you ever post without making false accusations and outright lying? I don't have a problem with Warburg's theory. He was absolutely correct. It is just people from the brain damaged alkaline forums that keep trying to change what Warburg really said. And IF they had really read Warburg's research they would have known that what they keep repeating from the sales sites they read IS NOT what Warburg said or what he won the Nobel Prize for. What Warburg said and won the Nobel Prize for was for discovering that cancer ferment REGARDLESS of the amount of oxygen present. Look up the Warburg effect if you don't believe me. Maybe then you will realize that you are wasting everyone's time with your lies and misconceptions.
Just more of your attempts to discredit alternative health sciences!
Chalk up another lie by Justin. I do more to promote alternative medicines than you can ever imagine. And a lot of this has to do with explaining the fact from the fiction in alternative medicine. You and Moreless on the other hand make the alternative medical field look like a bunch of brain dead whack jobs with your made up pseudo-science and pathological lying about anyone that dares expose your crap.
Just think Hver if you can convince others that cancer is caused by some airborn virus,contagious to all who breath you will make a fortune for the pharmaceutical industry! And yourself of course!
First of all not all cancer viruses are airborne. So here we have another great example of Justin's manipulation of the facts to mislead people. Typical ML cult tactics. I have been giving people all sorts of free advice on alternative medicine and I even loaned out one of my ozone units to a cancer patient the other day that I am not making a cent off of. So keep lying about me lap dog, you are only discrediting yourself and Moreless every time you post. There are plenty of people on these boards who know who I am and know what I do, which is not allopathic medicine or pharmaceutical. So the more you lie about me the more you look like a pathological liar, just like your master, and word is going to get around of your pathological lying as word gets around as to who I REALLY am.
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