Re: I want to take less Epsom on my next Flush by AllyB ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 9/20/2004 2:10:52 PM ( 21 y ago)
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If you're having such poor results, I would:
a) take more oil - you can try a different kind, like flax, if you want, that tastes much better in my humble opinion
b) take it quicker and lie down sooner
c) use liver 'massage' techniques and/or diaphragmatic breathing techniques (literally squeezing bile out of your liver after lying down; taking 10 or so breaths as deep as you can, forcing your lungs even more full of air with gasps, holding for 10 seconds, releasing completely)
d) perhaps try using supplements or herbs before your flush
e) drink down Epsom Salts with some kind of juice to assuade your misery, I just use V8 in a seperate glass to wash down my ES, and if done right, it's hardly there at all
f) be absolutely sure you're not eating any fat that day - in fact, don't eat very much that day, take in a nice, tall glass or two of apple-carrot-whatever juice or something
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