For Those Thinking Of Gallbladder Surgery - Caution-Graphic! by Willowley ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 11/28/2009 6:46:34 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 1,717
I've been doing a lot of research into all the complications a person has after they have their gallbladder removed because I wasn't able to convince my friend to use natural methods to pass her gallstones. She has had nothing but trouble since her surgery, bad cramping, shooting pains and very bad diarrhea for up to an hour after she eats. She is miserable because she is afraid to be away from a bathroom for very long at a time. I'd hate to have to live my life that way!
This video depicts the surgical removal of the gallbladder using laparoscopic methods. This is one of the treatments for gallstones, the most horrible treatment a person could opt for IMHO. This video is of an actual Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy on a real person so if you've got a weak stomach be forewarned.
If anyone is considering letting a doctor cut out their gallbladder I would ask that you read through this thread //
There are 249 posts in the thread and out of that many posts there are only a couple of people who haven't had any problems in the aftermath of surgery. All the rest are leading miserable lives due to having their gallbladder cut out just like my friend.
Liver Flushing will enable you to pass Gallstones the natural way but a person has to be willing to take responsibility for their own health and do the work in order to heal naturally. It breaks my heart that I wasn't able to convince my friend not to have the surgery. If you've got a friend or a loved one considering this surgery please show them all this information before they make one of the worst decisions of their life.
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