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Re: Vermox (Mebendazole) and Humaworm by comsat ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   11/28/2009 2:02:40 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   2,584

I can't say for sure if Vermox can be taken along with Humaworm, I would think that only RG can answer your question properly.

Personally, I think that taking Vermox and Humaworm at the same time is probably not advisable. And there's no necessity for it as well. I used Vermox in the past with some mixed results (sometimes it worked, at other times simply not). I'm in a similar situation as you are right now, and from my experience, I would go with Humaworm; leaving Vermox aside for the moment. Depending on how much and for how long you've been infested with parasites, there's no easy solution. I think Humaworm is taking time; and one should consider additional products from Humaworm for a long term cleanse. As much as I wish for a quick and easy solution for the parasite problem, there is simply none. For myself, I've decided to go down the Humaworm road and take the time required to solve the problem in a more natural way. I believe that stuff is powerful enough, and given proper time, I should be up and running again.

The not very professional attitude of our medical specialists and their blind trust in badly chosen prescription medicine have given me enough headaches. Meaning I had to take things finally into my own hands. I'm not very happy about this, because I'm not trusting myself to be able to make always the ideal decision for the problems at hand, especially when it comes to the complex matter of illness and desease. But, well, here I am, willing to learn and act. :-)

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