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Castor Oil Pack Without Heat? by Anja ..... Castor Oil Remedies Forum

Date:   11/27/2009 9:57:13 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   17,681

I was using castor oil packs on and off for about a month on my abdomen for what I suspected was fibroids and/or endometriosis.

A couple weeks ago, my appendex perforated and I landed in the hospital. I thought I had food poisoning, but coincidentally had an appointment with my holistic M.D. that afternoon and he suggested I go the ER if the abdominal pain got worse because it could be my appendix - which it was, worst pain I ever felt in my life later that night.

In looking up appendicitis, I read that the worst thing you can do for an inflamed appendix is put heat on it, it can encourage it to rupture. I had been using a lot of heat on my abdomen the previous month with the castor oil packs, and even without the castor oil, trying to relieve the pain those couple of days before the really bad episode that landed me in the hospital for 5 days having the abscess drained.

Long story (sorry...), but they found a large fibroid also on the CT scan, which may have been breaking up- I think I remember them saying that, and I would I probably attribute that to the castor oil packs I was doing and/or the Nattokinase product I was taking, though I am leaning more toward the castor oil because I took the natto for a long time and was still pretty symptomatic. I want to resume the castor oil, but I'm afraid to apply heat now, as I still have the appendix and am currently awaiting another consultation with the surgeon who has suggested it be removed - the usual next step after a perforation/abscess is drained. As much as I'd like to avoid surgery, I'm afraid I'll probably have to go through with it, but in the meantime, can castor oil be effective without heat? I work at home, and I'm wondering if I just slather it on, place a towel or wash cloth over it and some plastic, and just sort of wear that around all day?

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