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Re: The Burden of Proof by knowledge seeker ..... Kidney Failure/Dialysis Forum

Date:   10/15/2009 7:19:47 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   6,742

as far as no studies, just off the top of my head, going to my steps and looking at step 2 3 and 4 and 10, they do mention specific studies of things that helped despite your claim, that no studies showed anything helped.


step two


step three


step four


step ten

I would not be so quick to assume that if a cure existed it would be front page news.

Dialysis is a huge money maker. Three visits a week till you die for hours at a time makes a lot of money in these jammed centers.

Plus if doctors are not open to alternative health or examining the anecdotal cases they hear of of cures, how will they ever even know it works? They are closed to it completely, rarely consent to do medical testing and it does take away their business when you think about it --simple, nontoxic natural methods that God gave us.

The massive advertisement that pharmaceutical companies put into medical journals that doctors read control what is published when they publish something favorable to herbs or some other safe, nontoxic remedies. the drug advertisers in retaliation withdraw or threaten to withdraw their advertising dollars and magazines have folded over companies stopping all ads for their drugs when a magazine posts anything favorable to inexpensive, nontoxic and non patentable cures according to allopathic doctor, Dr Lorraine Day, who cured herself of advanced Breast Cancer using alternative means. When she told her story, she was ostracized from the medical community.

Don't think that the drug companies are out to show a simple herb one can grow or pick themselves can be as effective or better than their expensive drugs that they spent over a million dollars to patent and now needs to recoup their money on. It is not going to happen.

I saw three simple herbs--all sold as foods--help my mom who had zero function in both kidneys. Cayenne stopping two heart attacks when nitro did nothing detailed in a post I made where you first commented and also burdock root and parsley root having her shocked and calling all excited saying "I can't believe it..for the first time in two years of dialysis I am not sick after a dialysis treatment. I am always deathly ill and I took those tinctures you left and I just can't believe it".

She was far more gone than you with zero percent function in one kidney and 5% in the other at that time. I saw it work with my own eyes...what I learned from her case is the good in all things work for good to them that love god and I saw what dialysis can do to harm and what simple alternative health can do as well in my mother dying recently. That others can be helped from hearing what happened to her on dialysis in the way you espouse and urge people to do (get dialysis/listen to their doctors) and what herbs, foods, supplements and other comprehensive programs can do.

After ten years of resisting everything I ever advised as she was not a believer at all and trusted her doctor explicitly, she finally after consenting 3 times to try a couple small things, became a believer the last month of her life. But alas, it came too little too late. May it not be so for the reader.

On her 8th dialysis caused heart attack, she told me she would never go through that pain again and the 9th heart attack, she did not take the things I had left but instead went to the hospital which she never did or wanted to do as they could not give her the pain pills as it could kill her she was told.

She often said she wanted to stop dialysis and die many times as it made the quality of her life so bad knowing it would kill her in one week and she would have had not a priest told her she could not do that as it was a sin to hasten one's death and she followed what he said to her and lived in the misery of dialysis for 2 years.

This time she had the living will to help her get her wish to die at the doctor's hand and decision and thus it could not be on her. But though she begged to die in that ER room the day prior to dying, she finally consented to let me give her cayenne when finally everyone left the ER hard as there were constant nurses and a dozen relatives there.

She was a that point very very weak, moaning and begging repeatedly with much pleading to let them let her die and not work on her as the pain was so great. A single dose of cayenne tincture brought her blood pressure that was falling and in the 30s to normal..all of us witnessed it happen. She was still weak but not in as much pain after taking the cayenne as she was able to finally talk, share many last memories for many of her children and grandchildren to comfort them and calmly hear us tell her our best memories and goodbyes. If not for cayenne, a cheap herb given us by our creator, that would not have been possible.

I had no more chance to give her more as noone left and I did not want others to know I gave her herbs as they did not believe and I would be kicked out of the ER by the staff from my mother's deathbed there until after the doctor called and said to let her die especially due to her living will EVEN though she was greatly improved they stopped instantly all work on her. It was then they moved her to the palliative unit where you never come out of and a nurse told me she would die that day.

The nurse knew for a fact she would die and told me she would and this was because that is what happens when they give her the drug they subsequently gave her. The type of living will she had allowed the doctors to basically kill her. The staff repeatedly told me and my brother how selfish we were to want her to live (and suffer) and urged my children to talk me out of it. They even changed medical records.

This was due to the drugs they gave her which shut down all her body systems. I begged her to take another dose of the cayenne and other things I brought, as I knew she could be better but she refused. When I started crying she said "Jane don't do this to me" as she wanted to die -she told me so and apparently I was the stumbling block to her doing it. She told a nurse I had not accepted her death and she was worried about me, her oldest child.

If I believed there was no hope, I would have accepted it but there was hope. I saw improvement the week she tried when she tried just a tiny fraction of what I recommended, Even at death's door, alternative health was working but she refused to do it in the end despite telling me earlier she wanted to try. That last heart attack took that from her and brought her back to wanting death to come again and now it has.

I know alternative health works. I have never seen it fail.

It is really sad that just because you sought and did not find or believe, you come to this place of true hope and rob people of it, so they can be in your shoes. Misery loves company I guess.

Even the sick must get in on the not allowing people to make their own choices or use alternative means. Just like drugs market to consumers directly to have them get their doctors to prescribe a drug and make more revenues and line the drug companies pockets, so, too, do those who opted for the dialysis machine want others to join them using fear to do it and the guise of helping others just because they were not brave enough to try, could not find answers or did not believe.

This is an alternative health site that "educates not medicates". One might ask why you feel the need to come here and steal people's hope away and lead to them down the road to intense suffering like my mom traveled so long and harshly and went down and now lies in the grave for her wrong decisions.

If this is x (name removed), you should be ashamed of yourself for posting this..

I do not ask for a cent from anyone and once spend 200 hours trying to help someone who I later found was lying to me. Maybe he was the charleton. I know I am not.

I only pray people do not listen to you. As I said, I do have that page where Dr Schulze said he had cured people with dead kidneys and got them off dialysis. I do not believe he is a charleton with all my heart and intelligence, nor did any of the gifted people who studied his films class once (of the 20 of us all in the gifted IQ range none thought dr schulze or christopher was a liar or a charleton.) .

If someone is, I will say so. For instance my mom and I went to see Solomon Wickey who everyone had testimonies for and believed in upon my cousin's testimony ( who is now dead in her early 30s but did outlive her prognosis by 4 years) but I did personally feel he was a charleton for numerous reasons (although he did not charge people for help, he kept no records so only saw the successes not the failures)

I also spoke to hundreds who told me their relatives died though he pronounce them cured when I tried to send them helpful info to help their cancers. Some of his advice was good but much of it was faulty and even bizarre. Though many feel he is a healer, I am not afraid to call it like I see it.


This forum is not for debate so I hope if you have further rebuttals, you will take it to the debate forum less we not break any curezone rules.

Those who did not listen to people like you or their doctors or whose doctors gave up hope for them forcing them with no options but alternative who were not ready to leave this world are the ones who tried and succeeded most of the time.

You can't see if it works if you don't try and you didn't. So how can you say it does not work even for you let alone others who say they were healed.. Some seek and do not find but the lucky ones find the 36 steps and other advice in this forum.

You are parroting back the words of the medical establishment and your decisions and trying to make others not try something that can save their life and I think that is just criminal.

I personally have yet to see alternative health fail when you get good advice which I gave in the 36 steps.

Although I am a kindhearted person and generally not rude, when someone advises people to go down the awful path that killed my mom, when there are better options well, I will not sit by idly and say nothing.

People on this website believe in alternative health and are sharing what they know to help people. One must ask why you feel the need to warn adults of things they have already had ingrained in them when the hope is found here. The medical industry has deeply tried to make us think all alternative health is quackery when really it is competition they do not like and were they not forced by consumers to offer "complimentary" medicine, they would not even do the little they do incorporate.

These sick adults already have heard what you said all of their lives..people who come here are looking for more than that. Some people do believe and are willing to intelligently try alternative treatments and also learn from those who went before them and found health again. People are not stupid you know.

Likely you feel most of the info on this website is bunk or maybe even are a medical professional or one who benefits monetarily from the sick somehow, so why are you here under the guise of helping people when really you are harming them with your advice IMO more than me or others on here.

Just cause if your story is true, you did not find or believe how dare you take from those God lead to this site of healing and hope.

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