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Re: Chemical Sensitivity, there IS help! by Hveragerthi ..... Chemical Sensitivities Support Forum

Date:   9/2/2009 12:58:19 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   5,359

 I have a question (s) for you. I have been struggling with candida for a while now. This was supposedly confirmed by an IgA being over 1.00, along with all of the usual symptoms. I do better when I eat primarily proteins, but when I add in a complex carb such as brown rice or potato, I get extreme anxiety and restlessness, and my head and sinuses hurt. This lasts for a couple of days, and if I don't eat carbs during those days, the restlessness goes away. But I still have fatigue and brain fog, etc. I have experienced the so called 'die-off' after taking the usual candia supplements, including the med Diflucan. You had mentioned that this could well be an adrenal issue more than a candida issue.

Yes, sensitivities to something can cause an excess release of epinephrine, which can cause the anxiety and restlessness.

My main question is this; what quantities do you recommend for the adrenal supplements that you recommend? I have started taking schizandra, ashwaghanda, I'm getting he Amla by Pure Planet and taking 1000mg B5 3 times a day. Also taking Nature's Way Optima Probiotics, but looking into the kefir. Thanks again for your advice...

What form are you taking the schisandra and ashwagandha? Powder, tincture, capsule?


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