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Re: Alpha Omega Labs new Cansema formula uses oleander! by Tony Isaacs ..... Ask Tony Isaacs: Featuring Luella May

Date:   9/1/2009 1:13:59 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   8,338

Oleandrin is the primary cardiac gylcoside contained in the oleander plant.  It and other lesser cardiac glycosides in oleander cross assay with digoxiin/digitalis, which have themselves shown anti-cancer properties. HOWEVER, those who really know oleander know that an aqueous extract of oleander only gets about 1/40th the cardiac glycosides per dose as an average dose of digoxiin/digitalis. That is because the cardiac glycosides in oleander are non-polar (non water soluable) compounds and thus the aqueous extraction method of boiling and filtering only gets a small amount, similar to getting beef broth from boiling bones.

Now, here is the most important information of all:  Researchers and others familiar with oleander do not believe that the cardiac glycosides such as oleandrin are the primary cancer fighters in oleander extract, but rather are supporting compounds in a synergistic mix that includes a large number of cancer fighting and immune boosting compounds, including quercetin, long-chain polysacharrides and much more.  This would appear to be borne out by the failed attempt to market a relabeled Russian oleander extract made by the ethanol extraction method - which obtained more of the cardiac glycosides but lost vital polar (water soluable) compounds such as the long chain polysacharrides, which precipitated out during the extraction method.  As a result, the relabeled Russian extract was far less effective.

You are right oleander is no panacea, though it is the best item I have found - and I have spent years and thousands of hours looking.  No item, not even oleander, is nearly as likely to be successful if it is not combined with an overall anti-cancer protocol that includes a healthy diet and lifestyle, removal of toxins from the body and environment, proper nutrition and supplementation, other cancer fighters such as flaxseed and cottage cheese a la Budwig, removal of stress, etc.  People who look to Anvirzel or any oleander product as a magic pill that they add to a poor foundation, which is how we have been taught to do for generations by mainstream  medicine, are less likely to have success than those who embrace an entire anti-cancer lifestyle.  From what I understand, btw, Frank Nigrelli (correct spelling) did not embrace an anticancer lifestyle (quite the opposite) but merely took the medicine in the hopes that it alone would beat his cancer.

The research relied on by the essentially defunct Ozelle Pharmaceuticals entity has long been outdated, btw.  It does not suprise me to find that a former Ozelle employee was involved in ratting out Greg Caton - the company has quite the history of intrique, opposing factions and internecine struggles.

While no panacea, I have to note that Doctor Ozel (whose oleander extract was ultimately refined and patented as Anvirzel) treated thousands of cancer patients over the past 40 plus years and the last report I saw indicated a 72% success rate for all cancers combined - which is pretty impressive when you consider that Dr. Ozel, as a mainstream doctor, had to use chemo, radiation, and/or surgery as the primary medication and could only use oleander as a CAM medication or else as a last resort medication after the approved methods had failed - and diet, cleansing, lifestyle and other supplementation were not part of his treatment.

I also note that the experiences of Dr. Marc Swanepoel with several hundred  cancer patients in South Africa as well as my own experience with the members of my 1400 plus member Yahoo "Oleandersoup" forum indicate a success rate of over 90% thus far over the past five years for those who use oleander AND embrace an anti-cancer lifestyle.

I too have communicated with Greg Caton, and he is quite impressed with oleander, which is why he formulated not one, but TWO products containing it.  Naturally he also continues to market and rely on the other ingredients he has had success with in the past.

All the best,



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