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Ozone sauna detox rash by HanSolo ..... The Truth in Medicine

Date:   8/28/2009 11:16:48 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   25,926

I've attempted to upload a picture of a clean white towel, that was no longer clean and white after a ozone steam sauna I did months back. This was a general occurence probably for a two or three week period. The towel I was sitting on would just be filthy with black stuff all over it. By the looks of it, you can tell this stuff was just dripping off and out of my skin onto the towel.


If this picture does not load, the url is: ozone towel


Additionally, in this thread from the oxygen therapies forum, a genteleman had a very nasty detox rash and uploaded his picture:

Personally, I have never experienced ANYTHING, of that magnitude. But, nonetheless, have to a much lesser degree, and pretty much isolated to my forearms.  Additionally, when I was doing ozone steam saunas way too often, I was geting breakouts on my scalp under my hair where I had a concussion as a child many years ago, where ozone was no where near. Because your head sticks out of the steam tent, and you are suppose to have a wet towel wrapped around your neck, to prevent escape of ozone from the sauna, and have a fan blowing across your face to dissipate what does escape.

So, please don't say I don't know what I'm doing, and I'm using a hot spark ozone machine that is producing super high amounts of ozone. At the flow rate I'm using, and the setting on the machine, it is only putting out around 50 gamma. Well under the threshold for damage to occur. 

This is an exceprt from Saul Pressmans book, The Owner Manual for the Human Body. He has had an ozone clinic for several years, if not at least 15.

Hyperthermia itself is a very effective technique, many thousands of years old,
recommended by Hippocrates. It results in a “false fever” reaction, which
simulates the body’s own defense mechanism. With the addition of ozone, the
treatment becomes doubly powerful. As the toxins are oxidized, and eliminated
from the body, the fat containing them is no longer needed, and also leaves.
Weight loss of 30, 40, or 50 lbs over a period of months has been reported, with
no change in diet. The skin becomes smooth, soft and free of blemishes.

Symptoms of a whole host of diseases disappear as the toxins leave the system
and the body is enabled to heal itself.

Unlike other methods of ozone application, employing ozone in a steam sauna
will induce the “healing crisis”, which feels like having the flu for a few days.
People should be informed of this effect so they can be prepared, and welcome it
as a sign of beneficial healing. Skin rashes are common as the toxins are pushed
out through the skin rapidly. Often the rash is very itchy, and this can be
alleviated by taking protease enzymes, and applying Gardener’s Dream Cream or
emu oil.

The more frequent the treatments, the more rapid the healing, and the more
severe the healing reactions will be. It may become so uncomfortable that the
person will need to reduce the frequency of treatments from once daily to once
weekly. Typical treatments are once daily for 30 minutes duration. Persons with
heart conditions should be limited to 15 minutes at a lower temperature for the
first few sessions, increasing to 20, 25 and then 30 minutes, as the body adjusts
to the thermal stress over time. People who have had a previous stroke should not
do saunas, but can do ozone in other ways.

HS: "What is your experience with ozone therapy inside of a steam sauna?"

H: "I don't use it in a steam sauna because it is less effective this way. Again, heat and moisture speed up the rate of ozone destruction."

Then since you are not famaliar with this method of treatment and have no personal experience, you are not fully qualified to make judgments on it.

Heat and steam will speed up the rate of destruction of ozone. However, if there is a fresh supply coming in every second, this is not an issue since it is continually being replenished. Plus, since the pores of the skin are so much more receptive to absorbing ozone into the system, any cons are quickly negated. From my experience with dry bagging, and no steam vs steam ozone therapy is like comparing sending a piece of mail across the country via the pony express to using email. Sure, that piece of mail will arrive about 4 months from now with the pony, but in just few moments with email. 

From looking at the picture of the towel I posted, can you honestly say there were no toxins coming out of me? More than likely, these were heavy metals coming out. Additionally, not everything the ozone comes into contact with is going to be fully oxidized, unless there is enough ozone to complete the reaction. So there will be partially oxidized agents.







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