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Re: not sure what to say when tapping by Steve888 ..... EFT Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique

Date:   8/22/2009 7:17:29 PM ( 16 y ago)
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As an EFT pracitioner I would say that you can relieve some of the infection and pain with EFT. Try tapping the points and focusing on your sinuses first and think of an emotion that you might associate with the pain ex anger, fear etc. Combine into your setup phrase "Even though I have this angry (or fearful) pain and infection in my sinuses I choose for it to heal now" or "I choose to be at peace with myself". Do the same for the ear infection and pain. Consider a multipronged approach to getting rid of the infection. Many folks on curezone have had excellent results using Colloidal Silver in the ears, sprayed up the sinuses, and taken orally with diligence until the infection is gone. Do the same EFT protocol for each allergy you are aware of and you should notice an overall improvement if you keep at it.


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