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Re: everyone just chill! by #1277 ..... Fasting for Weight Loss Forum

Date:   8/20/2009 2:17:07 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   6,295

Let see how do I put this delicately...... F@ck U with this Negative Nancy crap.  There was absolutely nothing negative happening here other than presenting verifiable scientific and holistic FACTS so innocent people and many that come here with existing eating disorders already don't hurt themselves in ignorance of what people like you and those that responded trying to make light of a dangerous issue are propagating. The whole gist of every post stated and otherwise has been completly postive urging people not to take anybodys word including my own and do their own research and verify for themselves what is being said so they take the responsibility for themselves to LEARN  not only be safe but how use fasting in a healthy succesful manner. No more no less.

Have a nice day



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