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For Maiauetic...and EVERYONE (need yer help on sumpin' folks) by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   8/5/2009 10:32:59 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   2,013

Maiaeutic (everyone) -

Even though this is 'in response' to specific questions/concerns by Maiaeutic, there is very important 'thoughts & thinks' in this post/thread for I've posted this 'afresh'...the entire thread is here:

I'd appreciate it if everyone reading would at least go down to the *** and offer your own 'thinks and thoughts' on this issue.  It is something that EACH of us has to deal with in one way or another, and we ALL need to develop & utilize tools & strategies for coping effectively & successfully.


>>So, please (if you care for more thoughts from me), let >>me know (fairly specifically): what a typical diet is >>for you weekly, all your 'continuing life stressers' and >>what type of EMF exposure you have daily (computer, cell >>phone, WiFi, microwave, powerlines, cell towers, >>etc)...and what you've done in the past 3 months beside >>the IF#1/IF#2. Also, what other supplements, otcs, >>and/or pharmaceuticals are you using (if any).

Weekly diet: Most days I have a bean and cheese burrito for lunch. This used to be chicken but I’ve now pretty much eliminated meat from my diet…though I am currently living with my mother and when she cooks chicken or fish I will occasionally eat it. But I would say in a typical week I don’t eat meat. Okay - 1) it's FANTASTIC that you've eliminated meat YAY!  But when healing, it's only logical to stop willingly putting things in our body that slow or prevent our body from healing.  I didn't hear "organic cheese", so this (particulary frequently) is OUTTA HERE!  It's laden with growth hormones (which can seriously & negatively impact many systems/organs --particularly the prostate in men--, and you get a  dose of pharmaceutical antibiotics with every bite...yum (not).  It's mucous forming and works directly against the colon work you're doing...and of course, the poisons above PLUS the others (all the cows are fed gmo grains, diseased body parts from cow/animal carcasses, and all the pesticides it's all doused with).  Your liver & kidneys are NOT loving you when you expect/force then to cleanse while you're compromising them at the same time.  And (of course), if that's a non-organic white flour tortilla and beans that have soaking in an aluminum can (beans processed with fluoridated water)...well,  let me know anytime if you need reading/research material so you can understand the basic necessity of not ingesting known poisons.  A typical weeks’ diet coinsists of a few oranges per day, a few peaches/strawberries and other assorted fruits as snacks. Salad with cheese and tofu two or three times per week, and also veggie soup (home cooked) and cornbread and tofu a few times per week.  Fruits are always good, as are saladsAgain, I didn't hear "organic" with the "tofu"...which means you're ingesting GM soy.  Soy is bad enough, but GM soy?  No joking, it really IS poison.  First 'reading assignment' -

Extra credit:)

As I stated in a previous post, I don’t drink anything except lukewarm water. Distilled or R/O filtered (???) If not, then be SURE to scan through this:  I also will have rice pasta with pamersan twice a week or so, and other assorted cooked vegetables like squash, cauliflower, and broccoli. I also will have some raw cabbage a couple times per week as that is one of my favoites, though I do flavor it with table salt.  All fine n' dandy, except the table salt. It's much better if you use natural/healthy salt (I prefer Himalayan myself, but any salt from underground seabeds is fine).  It's okay to have a bit of cooked food once in awhile.  Just remember, that there's no enzymes there at your body has to create the enzymes that should be in the food in order to digest it.  In the case of pasteurized milk/cheese, in order to make the enzymes that are missing, the body has to take from your calcium stores to make the enzymes.  So everytime you munch pasteurized dairy/cheese, you're actually depleting your body of calcium.

I am unemployed right now so there are no life stressors in that regard at the moment (big positive). I am in a new relationship but it does not cause me a lot of stress. I spend two or more hours in front of the computer daily, and a similar amount in front of the tv. 'Hope your new relationship turns out to be blessed :)  Dr. Schulze would tell you to make SURE the television is tuned to ONLY uplifting & positive programming (after he told you to turn it off! lol).  Frustratingly, with all the pharmaceutical commercials & propaganda, turning it off is usually a better option.   I know, I know, a couple of hours of TV doesn't seem like a big thing (especially compared to folks that are glued to it all day/night long) - but the frequencies ARE unhealthy (especially if you have a newer/HD tv), not to mention the subtle/negative emotional impact.  I don't watch TV (unless it's to play DVDs).  When I went to the motel for a week, I flipped through channels for 30-45 minutes before going to sleep.  WHOA/WOW...4 nights I found myself so depressed I was at that 'close to tears' place, and two night I really did cry.  That was some SERIOUSLY depressing/negative energy I was absorbing.  I'd never really noticed it before, but when I was alone with nothing else on my mind...well, I understood completely how correct Dr. Schulze is when he says 'turn it off'.  Do your best...each "little bit" doesn't seem like much, but when you add up the "little bits" they can be big enough to be something that negatively impacts or prevents healing.

I talk on my cell phone on speaker, I cannot hold it up to my ear for more than five minutes without feeling terrible. I use the home phone as often as possible and try not to talk on my cell phone more than twenty minutes a day. Personally, I have only put a cell phone to my head one time in my life.  It's radiation, plain & simple.  The only time they're not 'radiating' is when the battery is be sure to remove the battery.  I'm glad to hear you're not using it often :)

I prefer reading but ever since accompanying my girlfriend to an MRI I have been having a hell of a time reading, or in fact doing anything productive. In fact that is ironically what led me to just bite the bullet and start doing the cleanses, because before the MRI I was feeling great and felt that just the IF 1 and IF 2 alone might be sufficient, and after that, even a week and a half after that, I still hadn’t returned to normal so I felt the need for a more extensive routine.  Check out this Google search: (radiation, bentonite)  You could likely get a LOT of relief from the MRI exposure by doing bentonite baths, poultices and/or packs!   Just remember, you canNOT put bentonite into a septic tank.  The IF#2 "Ultra" has an extra part of bentonite, and you can always add, say 1/2 -1 teaspoon to each dose (bentonite is constipating for some, so you might need an extra IF#1 'kicker')

I do not take any other pharmaceauticals or supplements, and haven't for some time. FANTASTIC!!!!

>>So, let me start by screaming...NO! NO! NO!!!!! When >>our body is compromised, when our organs are clogged >>with structural debris and our body is malfunctioning >>enough to cause major is virtually >>IMPOSSIBLE to restore ANY type of "vitality" by leaving >>the body in a state of malfunction and sticking bandaids >>on the symptoms. Adding:  Knowledge IS the key to vibrant health - but that vibrant health in your body will happen much more quickly and effectively if the knowledge is in your brain! Cool

If you say so, then I am willing to trust you and proceed with the cleanses. Some questions regarding the details of which will follow later on after I address the remainder of your questions/comments. RuhRoh can do (trusting me).  You be the only one that can be responsible for you - do not EVER trust me (or anybody else).  We're all being our OWN doctors, so if we're going to assume that very serious responsibility, we need to educate ourselves so we can do it wisely and effectively.   Watch the Natural Healing Crusade videos, read the class manual: get the Save Your Life videos (and the 650 page manual) as soon as you can afford them.  Dr. Christopher's videos are on Google video (search youtube or google vidoes for either Dr. Richard Schulze or Dr. John R. Christopher - there's a LOT to be found).  Dr. Schulzes website has a LOT of videos.

Yes, I have dedicated 5+ years to researching in-depth the most effective natural healers that ever lived...while doing virtually every protocol & using every herb they used (and Rocky n' me, have dedicated the rest of our lives to help people health themselves via this forum and our apothecary).  BUT it's very important that everyone learns enough to at least know WHY what I'm suggesting is effective!  Because understanding the "why" of anything enhances: our willingness to utilize the protocols, our ability to be as disciplined as we need to be (and make the lifestyle/diet changes we need to make); our ability to troubleshoot, and ensures a positive end result :) 

At one time in school every one us has grumbled something like: "I can't 'learn it'/'do it' unless I understand WHY I need to learn/do it, but the teacher makes me memorize/learn/do without helping me to understand 'why' ". YET, even though the "why" of it (learning enough to heal ourselves and ensure vibrant health) seems as clear as "life or death" to me, likely 95% of all CZers continue to INSIST on depending upon others to do the 'homework' that is SO necessary to 'pass the test'. Cry  And the test really IS a "life or death" test...and the final exam is something we ARE going to have to pass or fail!  (And let it be known, I worked at a Hospice for two years...failing the final exam is NOT something you want to do!)

>>Just wondering why you stopped?

I didn't stop taking the ashwagandha, I started when I first noticed the feeling of depletion, which was on Friday morning, and have been taking regularly since.  My error, >>>I have begun taking ashwagandha again<<< I thought you indicated you'd stopped.

>>I can't imagine why you wouldn't have been doing them both for the past 90 days...(referring to coffee enemas and castor oil packs).

A few reasons. First of all, money. I realize you're unemployed at the moment, yet castor oil and coffee for enemas are likely the two most INexpensive (and most effective) things we have going for us.  Enough castor oil for a month should be less than $15 and 2 pounds of S.A. Wilsons coffee about the same (enema bucket for only $6).  Second of all, doubt about whether they would work or produce a favorable reaction; :::raising eyes in true, legitimate curiosity:::  Really?  What (exactly, links if you have them) have you read or learned that would indicate that coffee enemas or castor oil would be ineffective, or cause an unfavorable reaction?   And/or what makes you suspect that? Castor oil packs have been safely & effectively used for centuries - and coffee enemas for almost a century (since discoverd in approximately 1917) ...and Dr. Gerson had thousands (likely tens of thousands worldwide over the past 1/2 century) of terminally ill patients doing 4-5 coffee enemas daily.  Not only must we have knowledge, we must have truth :)  I had a negative reaction to both the straight mega does of cayenne and had to (???) discontinue that, as well as the charcoal poultice. As I mentioned previously, it made me feel really clear-headed but it caused a real pain and soreness in my kidney area, also it made me feel tired and it was difficult to concentrate. So I interpreted that symptom to mean that I should stop.  I want everybody to listen to their own 'doctor within', yet it is imperative to filter the sensations & discernment through biological/physiological truth & facts...we should not make assumptions. 

Fact: Dr. Schulze/Christopher had EVERY patient taking 1 teaspoon of high HU cayenne 3x daily...there's record several patients took 10-12 teaspoons.  For Dr. Christopher, this 3 teaspoons daily was part his Mucusless diet. 

Fact: Cayenne "opens up" and increases circulation - whenever we open up circulation through a system or organ that has had 'lack of flow', we will "feel it" in some way or another.  That's not because it's doing harm, that's because it's doing what it's supposed to be doing in a body that is compromised. 

Fact: Cayenne powder increases peristalsis and kills parasites, so various gurglings, slight cramping, unusual intestinal 'activity', and ALL symptoms of parasite die-off are to be expected as part of healing

SO, when you say "mega doses", how much are we talking about?  With the powder, one is supposed to start at 1/8th teaspoon 3x daily, working up to 1 teaspoon 3x daily.  Describe how you worked up to 'mega doses', and what your reactions were along the way that caused you to feel you should stop.

OR did you just 'force down' a lot for a day or two?  And whichever way you ended up on mega-doses, what were the other variables going on those days?

You report this regarding activated charcoal poultice on kidneys:   I have tried the charcoal poultices and cannot do that...though it made me feel very clearheaded I experienced a pain in my kidney area and loss of vitality with that as well.  Was this doing it one time?  What were the other variables the day before and day after that might have caused kidney stress?  Fluoridated/chlorinated water, food from aluminum cans (more fluoride AND aluminum), GM foods, was this during the kidney cleanse, lack of adequate hydration?  Any/all of those things (or any myriad of other things) is FAR more likely to cause ache in your kidney area than activated charcoal (one of THE safest and most beneficial substances in the world). 

Activated charcoal aDsorbs (pulls to itself) thousands of poisons & toxins.  If any of use an activated charcoal poultice and it results in discomfort, the very first thing to assume is that it pulled a LOT of toxins out of the body/organ...and it's only natural this process could cause a bit of discomfort.  However it's even MORE likely that one would feel discomfort DURING the process (or within hours afterward); any discomfort the next day could be caused by any variety of things.  Of course, there could be some tenderness after have toxins pulled out of anything.  Maiaeutic, read/scan through 10-15 of these links and after explaining why you chose to use activate charcoal poultices, let us know what/why there is about activated charcoal that made you assume this was harmful or non-beneficial to your health/kidneys:

*** Folks, I seriously believe that 'this issue' (following)...whether it be with parents, siblings, friends, or our whole society in general is likely one of THE 'top three things' that prevents us from taking control of our health, healing and living the life of vibrant health that is our birthright.  I have seen/heard these sentiments echoed in virtually every person I have ever assisted (in some form or another) - and learning to overcome this issue IS paramount & integral.  Again (as at the beginning of this post), I ask (beg even! lol) everyone to share their issues, what's hard for them, what's caused them to fail, what victories they've had and how they have attained them.    My thoughts to this specific situation are below...followed by other 'thinks & thoughts' that strengthen Rocky n' me.  Another reason...I live with my mother, she is VERY unsupportive of my attempts to heal myself using the methods you prescribe, to the extent that she even knows what I am doing. Every day I face harassmnet and worry from her that something I do is going to kill me or compromise me or some other such foolishness. She really means the best but is misinformed and reslly takes it out on me. I basically hide as much of all this from her as I can, so she doesn't see me doing it in her kitchen. So part of the reason I haven't done the coffee enemas is because my mom knows I dont drink coffee, and would suspect something the minute she caught me brewing it, and would freak out and probably have it out with me if/when she found out I was doing soemthing as strange as a coffee enema. Yes, this is my life. Long story short I am trying to move out but it is difficult being unemployed and lacking the financial means.  Maiaeutic - I understand & empathize entirely.  These issues and situations ARE tough...physically, especially emotionally and sometimes even spiritually - and they are made tougher by any type of dependence upon the person with whom we conflict.  And when it's a parent - it can be even tougher.  I am a firm believer that our societal conditioning has changed for the worst (substantially) over the past century, and we have degraded quite harshly in the way we handle emotional issues & conflicts.  We tend to prioritize "emotions & feelings" over "facts & action" (especially compared to those that lived during the earlier decades - particularly 'the Depression' era, and before).  So just as with our bodies, in order to deal with emotional issues (and conflicts) we need to get down to the baseline truths & fundamentals before we can EVER hope to solve a problem.  So let's lay out the puzzle pieces and see if we can't see what the basic fundamentals actually are (some of these things are assumptions, while others may or may not relate to your specific situation.  Obviously, I don't have NEAR enough puzzle pieces to put together your complete 'picture') --

--Truth & fact vs. lies & deception.  There are many things in this world that are known as 'conventional wisdom'...simply because everyone believes them.  Just because people believe a lie, doesn't make it the truth...but it does make it more challenging for the select few that know the truth.  It's especially hard for us that know the truth to deal with the people we respect and love that believe the lies & deception.  But deal with them/it we MUST....and many (many!) times the WAY we deal with it (or don't deal with it) will determine our own physical health. 

From here:
...a list (very partial) of 'conventional wisdoms' that are 100% lies.   Millions/billions of dollars have been spent to ensconce these lies into society.  (methinks everyone should read the entire chapter linked to above)

*Pharmaceuticals restore health
*Vaccination brings immunity
*The cure for cancer is just around the corner
*Menopause is a disease condition
*When a child is sick, he needs immediate antibiotics
*When a child has a fever he needs Tylenol
*Hospitals are safe and clean.
*America has the best health care in the world.
*Americans have the best health in the world.
*Milk is a good source of calcium.
*You never outgrow your need for milk.
*Vitamin C is ascorbic acid.
*Aspirin prevents heart attacks.
*Heart drugs improve the heart.
*Back and neck pain are the only reasons for spinal adjustment.
*No child can get into school without being vaccinated.
*The FDA thoroughly tests all drugs before they go on the market.
*Pregnancy is a serious medical condition
*Infancy is a serious medical condition
*Chemotherapy and radiation are effective cures for cancer
*When your child is diagnosed with an ear infection, antibiotics should be given immediately 'just in case'
*Ear tubes are for the good of the child.
*Estrogen drugs prevent osteoporosis after menopause.
*Pediatricians are the most highly trained of al medical specialists.
*The purpose of the health care industry is health.
*HIV is the cause of AIDS.
*AZT is the cure.
*Without vaccines, infectious diseases will return
*Fluoride in the city water protects your teeth
*Flu shots prevent the flu.
*Vaccines are thoroughly tested before being placed on the Mandated Schedule.
*Doctors are certain that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh any possible risks.
*There is a terrorist threat in the US.
*There is a bioterrorist threat in the US.
*The NASDAQ is a natural market controlled by supply and demand.
*Chronic pain is a natural consequence of aging.
*Soy is your healthiest source of protein.
*Insulin shots cure diabetes.
*After we take out your gall bladder you can eat anything you want
*Allergy medicine will cure allergies.
*Your government provides security.
*A commercial airliner can be flown with professional precision by a group of crazed amateurs into a 100-storey building so as to cause that building to collapse on its own footprint. Twice.
*The Iraqis blew up the World Trade Center.
*This is a list of illusions, that have cost billions to conjure up. Did you ever wonder why most people in this country generally accept most of the above statements?

Virtually all of us are surrounded with people that believe these lies (and many other lies)....and many of the people that love & care for us dearly believe these lies.  But the fact remains, these things ARE lies. 

There's a zillion different reasons why people believe natural healing is 'dangerous quackery' and why the other things above are true - most have never been exposed to the truth, they have no CLUE regarding the pharmaceutical cartel, the history of modern medicine, the Powers That Be or the centuries old agenda of the Illuminati & New World Order.  And those that do have a clue are too weak, too fluoridated, too 'societally oriented', too busy, too dumbed-down or too ego-driven to deal with it in a rational, logical way.   But YOU are not....and YOU (and me) have to draw the line somewhere!!  And where we HAVE to draw the line and stand firm, is in matters of our own health.

SO, what we're dealing with here are brainwashed, dumbed-down sheeple that are truly victims (like we all have been and still may be) - they are clueless, powerless, unable to face & deal with truth, and defintely deserve our pity.   Frustratingly, we will likely all watch them die very brutal, unneccesarily miserable deaths.

The question is - no matter how 'near & dear' these people are to your heart & life- ARE you going to allow any person whose mentality is compromised at this have an adverse effect on your health and prevent you from healing yourself safely and effectively?

--  I live with my mother, she is VERY unsupportive of my attempts to heal myself using the methods you prescribe, to the extent that she even knows what I am doing.  Two main issues - YOU have to believe in this and understand it (you certainly can't expect anyone to accept that you're putting your body/health into the hands of some unknown person on the internet.  When we truly believe in something and have absolutely no doubts - other people sense that.  When we are hesistant or wishy-washy, they sense that...and if they love you and thing your being dangerous, they will never stop attacking and trying to "save" you.  2) People only know what you are doing if you TELL them what you are doing.  Stop telling them ANYHTHING that will upset them if you can tell them something else.  And you can ALWAYS find some other way to 'say it' that doesn't ruffle their feathers so much.  Bottom line: stop discussing your health issues 'in depth' with your mother.  She's not going to heal you; she doesn't have to live in your body, and it's VERY likely that what you're telling her is upsetting her greatly and worrying her to death.

-- Every day I face harassmnet and worry from her that something I do is going to kill me or compromise me or some other such foolishness. She really means the best but is misinformed and reslly takes it out on me See the paragraph above (and the tips below).  Also, lay out your OWN puzzle pieces (I don't/can't know what they are).  List ALL the reasons that you share things unneccessarily with your mother that worry and upset her.  If there's any reasons that involve "your need to share"; "your need for her approval"; "your desire to convince her"; "your need to be a 'good boy' ";  "your need to please her"...then deal with them in an honest and healthy matter.  Self-deception is a VERY harmful thing.

-- So part of the reason I haven't done the coffee enemas is because my mom knows I dont drink coffee, and would suspect something the minute she caught me brewing it, and would freak out and probably have it out with me if/when she found out I was doing soemthing as strange as a coffee enema.   I understand this (see the "tips" below) - and I also understand that it seems very likely that you don't feel confident or having the knowledge you need to feel confident regarding coffee enemas.  So here's a few lil' tidbits (from the FAQ I'm working on) - hopefully a LOT of people will find these beneficial:

The coffee enema appeared at least as early as 1917 and was found in the prestigious Merck Manual until at least 1972 (some say 1977).  The reference was removed, not for lack of efficacy, but for "space consideration".  The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy is the world's best selling allopathic medical textbook, and the undisputed 'bible' for physicians & practitioners.

Dr. Max Gerson pioneered the use of coffee enemas for blood & liver detoxification as part of his cancer protocols.  Dr. Albert Schweitzer M.D. (Nobel Laureate) said that Dr. Gerson was "the most eminent medical genius to ever walk among us."

Prince Charles endorses Gerson therapy and coffee enemas (although this is not a reason to use them, it certainly provides evidence that they're not always looked upon as quackery by 'upstanding members of society').


Dr. Nicholas Gonzales, MD: "When I first began my research efforts, I was very surprised to find that the coffee enemas, often portrayed as one of the most bizarre aspects of alternative medicine, came right out of the Merck Manual, a revered compendium of orthodox treatments. When I was completing my immunology fellowship, I had an interesting correspondence with the then editor of the Merck Manual, who confirmed that the coffee enemas had been advocated in the Merck Manual from about 1890 right up until 1977, when they were removed more for space considerations than anything else. Most nursing texts for the better part of the century recommend coffee enemas. Particularly during the 1920s and 1930s coffee enemas were used in the US and abroad to treat a variety of conditions, and I have put together a library of articles from that time discussing the wide ranging effects on patients. Coffee enemas were frequently recommended because patients, whatever their underlying problem, tended to feel better after a coffee enema. I have followed thousands of patients over the years who have done coffee enemas in some cases for decades: virtually all patients report an increase sense of well being. I have done them myself daily since first learning about them in 1981.

There is research going back to the earlier part of the century that indicated that coffee enemas stimulate more efficient liver function and gallbladder emptying, and we believe that is the primary therapeutic benefit. Particularly with cancer patients, who often have a very large tumor burden, as the body repairs and rebuilds and as tumors break down, enormous amounts of toxic debris can be produced, much of which must be processed in the liver. The coffee enemas seem to enhance this processing of toxic metabolic waste. Interestingly enough, in Hospital Practice (August 15, 1999 page 128), a very orthodox journal of internal medicine, I read a summary of an article showing coffee seems to enhance gallbladder and liver function.

-- Yes, this is my life. Long story short I am trying to move out but it is difficult being unemployed and lacking the financial means. WOW, I just saw your latest post!  WOOHOO!!!!!  Congratulations on your new job - and your upcoming plans to get back out on your own!!!  THE CROWD ROARS!!!! :) :) :)  You'll feel SO much better once you 'get your own space'.  FANTASTIC!!

Here's a couple three 'tips & tidbits' (I sure hope a lot of folks "add" to these)

Tips & tidbits:

--Superfood has lots of protein - stop calling it Superfood and call it a "protein shake"

--S.A. Wilsons enema coffee does NOT look like coffee, nor does it smell like coffee, nor do you make it in a coffee pot.  So why are you telling someone (that you KNOW will flip) that you're doing a coffee enema.  You have a 'doctor within', right?  What's wrong with telling people that your doctor suggested that you do therapeutic enemas...or better yet, "rectal dialysis to increase hepatic function".  Now WHO is going to argue with you if you tell them that.

--STOP telling the sheeple/people (to whom you've given power over your life) ANYTHING that will bother them or upset them.  You're NOT going to convince them; you're NOT going to be able have their support 'as a friend' (or mother/sister/brother) in these issues.  Your friends and support come from forums like this (and from other people that believe & know as you believe & know). 

--ALWAYS remember this (and I do NOT mean this as an insult to swine OR to any person in any way - it's simply a VERY appropriate Iowa/midwestern saying:

NEVER get into a belching match with a hog! 

1.  You WILL lose. 
2.  You WILL annoy the hog. 
3.  You WILL end up covered in hogshit.


>>Methinks you'll be ever-SO-much-better, ever-SO-much->>faster, if you'll put aside what seems to me to >>be 'fear' (see: EFT!!!!) of every little reaction >>& 'dip/bump in the road',

The only reason I fear the "bumps in the road" is because they sometimes signify that I am losing ground overall rather than gaining ground. Sometimes pain, suffering, discomfort means you are doing the wrong thing, and that is the only reason I am concerned about it.  I understand (exactly).  BUT I also understand that we have to (as above) filter these issues through the ole 'truth & knowlege' filter.  Possible example - everything you've posted indicates 'kidney compromise' (and it seems every time you do anything 'kidney related' you end up in 'kidney discomfort' or with "lack of vitality".  That's to be expected.  Nobody goes about unclogging and decongesting an organ without some type of 'fallout'.  In your newest post you say: 
First of all it is definitely the kf that is causing the devitalized feeling. I know this because twice since my last message i have begun the kf again, and twice I have been totally depleted and sore in my back at the end of the day. So both times I discontinued the kf even though i had planned to just push through whatever happened, for reasons I will elaborate on below. then you say that you started doing the hot/cold showers (good for you, btw!) and you've had less kidney issues that you had in a long time.   Here's how that goes through MY "filter" spent another day or two working on your kidneys and felt 'devitalized'...then (by way of hot/cold showers), you increased blood flow & circulation through your kidneys (all blood circulation through the kidneys, so anytime you increase circulation in general, you increase circulation through your organs) ....and lo & behold - your kidneys are MUCH better.  That's a HUGE (and very typical) VICTORY!   Now you're starting to fit those pieces together to "get the picture".  It seems very likely (and always has) that your kidneys are extremely compromised...and any/all "direct work" causes discomfortant and other symptomology (this is SO typical).  And then a day or two after doing the work, you feel better (again typical)...add the hot/cold, and you got better, faster!   So now you know that (perhaps), it's better for you to work on your kidneys 1-2 days at a time with a 1-2 break in between to get that circulation revved up to flush all the junk you've loosened out of your kidneys.  I dunno about you, but I'm thrilled!!

Example: Five years ago I tried a "different" detox regimen, that I had complete faith was going to finally heal me of all my mental and emotional distress. I took niacin, sat in a sauna for hours and took boatloads of vitamins every day for seventy days, twice as long as it took most other people to finish that program. By day 65, I was constipated, hadn't had a BM in two weeks, had 103 degree fever and was vomiting every morning. Still I kept going, kept trying to push through. The eventual result being that I was hospitalized, they took my white blood cell counts and told me they were so low I could have easily died from an opportunistic infection.  Hmmm, sounds like maybe MMS?  Doesn't matter, it sounds ALL too familar.  We cannot do heavy detoxing (saunas/niacin) which dissolves a brutal level of poisons from our tissue and dumps it into our bloodstream....without FIRST opening up the organs & channels of elimination!  I'm SO sorry this happened to you.  You're not the first (and sadly, you won't be the last).  Here's a fairly 'quick read' that will really assist your healing pathway:

If I KNOW for a fact that what I am doing is going to help, then I dont care about pain, I dont care about discomfort, or temporary inconvenience, or suffering, or any of that. I have been suffering every day of my life for fifteen years with this s%^&, if I know the answer is around the corner then I will do what it takes, without compromise and without shortcuts.  That's a great attitude - and after what you've been through, I really admire your strength :)

I am willing to trust you here Uny, because I believe in this approach and am willing to take your word for some of these things. Also please understand that I wont be a "true beliver" until I've crossed the finish line, and I always have to balance the advice (your advice, anyone's advice) against the wisdom of my own perceptions. I have ignored the latter in the past with nearly disastrous consequences.  And you please understand, that I don't want you to trust ME, and I certainly do NOT expect anyone to be a believer until they've walked the walk.  I'd rather you look at everything I suggest as a total lie, then study the biological & physiological fundaments (and each herb and how it works in the body)...and prove to yourself that what I've suggested is valid.  BUT, I also understand (quite well) just how LONG it takes to do that - and that virtually no one that's even 'slightly seriously ill' has the time or energy to do it (even if they do have the time).    I have a request, and that's this: please stop trying to "balance" my (or anyone elses) advice against your own perceptions and reactions.  And try to stop drawing conclusions based on reactions without knowledge.  When you have a reaction or hear/see something that doesn't "sit right" - then post it (AND post all the variables of the days before the reaction or whatever issue for which your needed answers & resolution).  If you do that, I promise I will do my best to be sure and answer and give my OPINION (based on the knowledge and research I've done), as well as offer more information/links - and then YOU can take that information, search the other links I offer (or those you have found)...and use it to interpret the reactions & signals you're getting from your doctor within.  'Sounds like a good plan to me :)

.....OK, Something else occured to me while answering some of your questions here:
HOW MUCH juice is one supposed to drink while on the kf or lf? Becasue I only had two oranges' worth of juice each day, I am suddenly thinking that might have been part of the problem in my KF. Also, I did not really do the potassium broth until the last day, so maybe that played a part in the feeling of depletion? Whatever it was, I can say that I feel much better here a few days later, surprisingly enough.  Again, it's not at ALL surprising or unusual for people to feel like dung when they're flushing a compromised organ, and then feel better a few days later.  When juice fasting on the 5 days cleanses, a gallon of juice/potassium broth is the goal...PLUS all the herbal teas and water you normally ingest.  The juice/potassium broth provides the vitamins, minerals & enzymes you need to support your body as it cleanses and restores your organs.  AND the energy that is normally used in the process of digestion is diverted from that process and freed up to help your body cleanse and restore itself :)  So yeah, if you only had a couple of organges worth...that had a lot to do with your 'depletion'.  Think of your body like a high-performance auto...and cleansing/healing like The Indy 500.  When does your body need THE most top-grade fuel?  When running the race!

So in summary, after reading your answers I am planning on once again doing the KF and LF simultaneously this week, starting on either Tuesday or Wenesday. A few questions about that process follow.  I don't understand your reasoning for wanting to do the KF & LF together on the same week.  If you were doing a KF and started having severe/alarming liver or gallbladder issues, I would definitely say 'go for it'.    But Dr. Schulzes protocol is 5 days on Kidneys, then two days of rest - then 5 days on liver, the two days of rest - then repeat.  Unless you have a reason or issues that I'm not aware of, I suggest you stick with that.

1. Is it ok to keep taking the ashwagandha while doing the KF and LF? Absolutely!

2. While doing the two simulataneously, does it matter which order I do them in? I.e., can I take the kf tea and then the lf drink followed by the lf tea, or should I do vice versa?  see above...and let me know if you feel you really NEED to do them together.  If you do, I think it's VERY important that you make SURE you do coffee enemas daily.  Both at once is a LOT of toxin release...and it seems to me your struggling with just the kidney cleanse alone.  So if you're going to do BOTH simultaneously, it's imperative (to me) to make SURE you're getting that blood cleanses and liver opened up daily via coffee enema.

3. What is the big flush, and how do I do that?  Here's Dr. Schulzes version (see notes about using grapefruit or lemon juice, as that's been proven to be more effective that oj).  Also, stretching out the ingestion of that much oil/citrus (1 cup of each) rather than ingesting 1/2 cup of each quickly...???...we don't know why Dr. Schulze did that, but we KNOW that after each "ingestion" of the oil/citrus mix, the bile release is over 30 minutes later.  So stretching it out over 4 hours means you're doing lots of "little flushes".  When you "get there', let me know via post and we'll talk about your options (I'm running out of time...and I'm overdue for my OWN coffee enema).


'Sorry you had to wait so long for all the information - 'hope it answered your questions/concerns sufficiently -


Oodles of healthy blessings -




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