MMS experience (No Effect) by LaChupa ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 8/4/2009 1:47:13 PM ( 16 y ago)
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I took Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for about 6-7 weeks about 4 months back, I got up to 15 drops fairly quickly, took about 2 weeks. I also did about 3-4 Miracle-Mineral-Supplement baths with DMSO, and applied Miracle-Mineral-Supplement w/DMSO topically about 2-3 times. I experienced sudden BMs about 3 separate times, and they seemed to last all day. I never vomited, and would only feel slightly nausea for awhile after immediately taking MMS. I started taking it with just water, then apple juice, then prune juice, and finally pomegranate, which I thought tasted the best at 15 drops. None of them had Vit C.
I did feel like I had more energy, slept better, I didnt crave Sugar as much, or cigarettes. But all that just could have been mental as I read these side effects prior to MMS.
My health prior to MMS is generally good. I had been to the doctor before taking MMS and had no medical concerns. My main medical issues are many warts on both hands that have been there for several years, and I just seem to be slowly getting more, athletes foot for about 4-5 years, and untested Herpes that I have had for 7 years with no break outs
For about 4 weeks, I applied activated MMS with a dropper topically to the Athletes Foot and warts in the morning and at night, at the same time I would take MMS orally. It seemed to only dry up the warts slightly on their edges, and possibly made them shrink down slightly, but that could have just been my imagination. I tried it diluted with a few drops of water, tried it w/o washing off the MMS after a few mins and vice versa. For the Athletes Foot it seemed to make it worse and irritated. I had better results with tinactin more recently, the can ran out before it fully healed though. I have used many things over the counter for warts prior to MMS, nothing worked. I recently tried the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment, and that seemed to destroy the warts, but they came back around the perimeter of the old wart.
Oddly enough, I had my first breakout of Herpes just recently, after nothing for 6 years.
Anyways, I just wanted to share this, that so far MMS hasnt cured me of anything that I can tell. I was so excited about the prospect of MMS but I wanted to test it on myself before I could recommend it my whole family and friends, but I am no longer confident to do so. I don't see how others have such a positive experience and results compared to me. I stopped taking it to try it on a cold or flu next time I get one. I have yet to since stopping. I have tried it on my GF for her colds/flus. She has only taken small doses as she is still breastfeeding, she has only been up to 4 drops only once or twice a day, she said it seemed to help momentarily, but neither of us are certain. It also seemed to do nothing for topical use on her recent Acne apperaring around her hairline. She has been using lots of different stuff on it, but nothing seems to help, except sun, and less stress possibly.
I am thinking of trying MMS again with the new protocol of every 2 hours. I am not sure I can keep up with that demanding schedule when I am at work ten hours a day. Where do I mix it?, where do I store it? Is it even worth it? And I may try topical use again, every couple hours instead of twice a day, with a spray bottle and not a dropper. I also may try getting a different supplier of MMS even though I am positive I have the right stuff, and activated it correctly. I used the most common one I have seen around.
Anyone else have similar experiences or suggestions, sorry for the long post. Thanks
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