Re: Has anyone been rejected? by DeniseinAZ ..... Sex & Sexual Health Forum
Date: 8/1/2009 12:01:06 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 3,372
great first 8 paragraphs.
This one:
"I noticed that people who are really successful internally and externally give a lot of value rather than take it. It feels good to be around them. They compliment a lot. They have a great life. They give pretty freely without expecting something in return."
Completely negates the rhetoric that follows it.
They give, they compliment, they receive because they DO value and understand everyone is special.
Not the opposite.
It is the inverse understanding of the rest of what you posted that makes them 'special'.
(Although your vision of who the special folks are is probably different than my own.)
But some very excellent insights, there, in the beginning.
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