My experience on MMS by aging tree ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 7/17/2009 5:54:32 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 4,051
Hi everyone,
I started Miracle-Mineral-Supplement last may 30, and soon went up to 14 drops adding one drop every day without problem. THEN, the morning of the 14 drops, I went through severe Herxheimer reaction. I did a major clean up of Morgellons which I do not have anymore. I expelled a ''silicone river'' from both ends. At that point, I was scared to take Miracle-Mineral-Supplement again so I did not take any for three days. I am a kinesiologist student and had my teacher test me on that and she said I was free of Morgellons. Since I was having the chance of being tested by her (such a great person...) I asked her to test for Lyme disease which I was suspecting and she tested positive on Lyme. So after those 3 days, I thought I should keep on and get back on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement but was so scared I cut down to five drops (from 14...) and there I go again with the Herx and all. This time, the vomiting was clear mucous and mucus tinted a bright mustard yellow, nothing that I could have eaten the day before. I thought I was clearing from Lyme as fast as I did from Morgellons...nono.
No such luck for me. I wonder if the yellow color could be from being allergic (all of a sudden...?) to citric acid .
Anyways, I keep doing MMS (must be a very determined person) and three days ago got some DMSO and started the protocol from Jim Humble. I don't like the feeling of doing this one, my skin is breaking out with rashes, I don't seem to be able to drink enough, I am constipated and do enemas with MMS only, drink prune nectar should get something like All Bran, yeah... Anyways, I keep myself minded on doing the job of getting back my health. I wish I could afford a Rife device. I bought a zapper from dr. Clarke, should come in next week or so. Can someone tell me about Colloidal Gold ? Dr. Clarke is soon going to sell a device to produce your own and I wonder if it will be better than silver as stated on her site.
Thanks for any answer, sorry my post is long. God bless you all fellow sufferers.
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