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Diarrhea 2 weeks into SCD for Autism? by aidansmom2u ..... SCD: Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Date:   7/15/2009 6:44:50 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   4,257

I had a question to everyone on SCD, but especially those with Autism. My son has been on the diet for 2 weeks now and unfortunately we've had to jump the gun on some foods like almond flour and almond butter. Also, I've had to grill his food or fry it to get him to eat anything because of his sensory issues, but we've stuck to the foods of the diet. My son for the past 3 days has been stimming uncontrollably and has had diarrhea and/or loose bowels during this time. I wasn't sure if this is yeast die off reaction starting later because we've had to intro foods he shouldn't have had so early or what. I'm hoping this is die off reaction, but I'm sure everyone understands my concern.

Any help/advice is welcome!

Thanks in advance!


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