Tweezing problems/Electrolysis question by Jounouchi ..... Female Facial Hair Support Forum
Date: 4/5/2005 11:15:02 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 8,331
Well, basically I'll start out with my story. I'm 23 years old, and about five years ago, I noticed a growing layer of facial hair on the sides of my chin. At the time I was overweight, so I assumed that that had something to do with it. But, either way...I made the mistake of shaving it off. And it was fine. But slowly over time, the hair darkened...became thicker, and now I can't even go without one day of shaving it off. And even so, it stubbles back up and regrows before the end of my work day is over.
For a period of time, I got so frustrated and attempted several depilatory creams that didn't work, some of the home waxing kits that didn't take a single hair off, and then I also attempted plucking. Yeah, I'm one of those incredibly patient people who stood in front of the mirror for about two hours removing little hairs one by one. And it resulted in nice, smooth skin. I really liked the results. Of course, it only lasted for about a week and a few days.
Now, my problem is that when it grows back, it doesn't grow back normally. Like, there's a day or two where it's stuck just beneath the surface and I can't even tweeze it out. Then, eventually, it'll grow normally. I have really pale skin so it's very obvious when these dark dark hairs start growing in but don't grow out quite enough to remove them. I'm wondering if there's any solution to that? Or if anyone has the same problem? Feedback in general would be much appreciated.
And also, I was looking into Electrolysis. I've read many different pro's and cons about it, but want to know if anyone had success with the process?
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