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Re: Ozone and Magnesium having massive positive effects... by AfteraStorm ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   7/7/2009 3:56:31 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   20,726

NOTE: I am happy to answer personal messages but I will be anonymously copy/pasting them and putting them on the thread so's I don't have to repeat myself. If you have an issue with that please tell me in your message but if you insist on this I can't guaruntee an answer.

Excerpted from a mail, ***stars*** before my answer:

"Um, first off, how did you find milk of magnesia, helped with your Body Odor s internally? Can you describe what you meant about that, in more details?"

***Difficult to explain, I just felt fresher. Less stagnant, felt I was digesting better. Didn't feel like my last meal was coursing round my blood like I did before. Sweated a bit less and found my sweat was less toxic. Felt more balanced. Mg helps produce enzymes.***

"Second, when you described the milk of magnesia helping you, how did you find it helped with, with becoming more comfortable with, being around more people again?"

***That's a psychological thing, as you know its difficult to gauge how much you are affected on any given day. I found people reacte better around me and didnt mind being in my personal space. Mg wont help you psychologically, it'll just help removing the cause of yr worries.***

"Did you find that the Body Odor you were facing, was a full out Body Odor , armpit odor, foot odor, or a constant rectum smelly(maladorous)odor?"

***Do you mean you have BO like sh*t or yr ass stinks? I got over foot odor with tea foot baths, and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement helps too. Infact, tea baths are very good. Armpits I just used Sure deoderant stick. Ass, Milk of Mg works topically too. It'll help clean up your bowels on the inside, and you can apply it straight on yr brown eye. lol***.

"This there any milk of magnesia supplements you can suggest that, worked well for you and how many you took, to get back to your normal self?"

***I just used no name brand from the chemists- milk, not tablets. Unsweetened would be better and you may have to go online for that. As far as dosing goes, I am wary about recommending exact dosages, for most people it will be around 500mg to 1000mg. Must be balanced with calcium. Check out the Magnesium book from the french doctor that's floating around. And ask the guys on the Mg forum. They know a lot more than me.
Check this out:


***BTW, Ozone is much more powerful than Mg.***

"The last question I had, was in regards to making your own version of ozone, for health benefits. Did you find that by, taking the ozone liquid with water, that it helped clear your body internally of the bad body odors as well..."

***Yes, it totally freshens your body. Imagine drinking super-potent morning dew, or rainforest air. 03 kills bacteria and viruses and is the most powerful freshening agent I know.***

"where can I look, to order some of this making your ozone liquids? Is making your own ozone batch expensive, or is there a way, I can order some on the internet? If you could fill me, more on this method that helped you in details, that would be great!"

***Check out cheap 03 generators on Ebay. You can get one for 50-70 bux. Thereafter it's pennies a day for electricity. Without getting too far into conspiracies, this is what big-pharma are scared of. I didnt say the brand-name online cos people would think I was advertising, but I will message it if you need.***

Hope that helps, feel free to ask me any more questions. It's therapeutic for me to help others in the same boat.


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