Re: Distilled Water: The Preferred Choice. by sunflowerpower ..... Fasting: Water Only
Date: 7/6/2009 2:53:57 PM ( 16 y ago)
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Hello, I have an opinion here.
You said there is distilled water in fruits and vegetables via nature. Interesting, but it is a far cry from distilled water via mechanics.
It is the difference between Vitamin A found in an apricot and vitamin A capsules.
Distilled water is mostly dead, dying water. As is most bottled water. It will not provide any Qi to a recuperating body. Qi is what the body needs to heal...
It is also very acidic.
It has no minerals and vitamins. Most people today are vitamin and minerally deficient. Even if they live in the developed worlds. Vitamins and minerals are also needed for healing...
The person that responded saying that they drink spring water to feel like they are nourishing their body is absolutely right. Never deny your body what it needs, regardless of plans, intentions, dogmas, or opinions. Your body is always 100% right.
I myself, after saying all this, will go out and buy some distilled water to try for a time that my body indicates it is needed. It is purely for cleansing, a quick 1-3 days.
I really think I have too many nutrients in my body, anyway. This is also another way to become too toxic, taking too many vitamin/mineral supplements.
You said, "distilled water is the preferred choice in cleansing and healing the body."
Yes, it will definitely cleanse the body, so I am exploiting this characteristic of it. It will not heal the body, since there's nothing in it to use in healing. My body will be opened up to heal within itself after the accumulated toxicity has been decreased.
Well everybody here seems to try everything anyway, but please don't go overboard with anything at all.
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