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Re: White House Tried to Prevent the Ousting of a Commie by traderdrew ..... Politics Debate Forum

Date:   6/30/2009 12:45:42 PM ( 16 y ago)
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I haven't read where we are interfering with the problems in Honduras. Have we sent troops? Obama essentially did the same thing for Iran and Honduras - he condemned both the violence against the people protesting in Iran and he condemned the military coup in Honduras.

Your statement above sounds true.  However, you are either intentionally or unintentionally missing the point.   It was Obama's position that he does not interfere with an election.  In constrast to what is happening in Honduras, we have taken a position on the end of an election term.

"Sometimes commies do get elected "
Yes, they do and that is what democracy is all about - a government by the people, for the people.

It wouldn't surprise me if you are a socialist.  There is a double digit percentage of people in the states who are.  It is pity because our contaminated education system has rubbed off on a couple of generations.  Naive the common socialists are. 

"Obama is on the same side as the Castros and Hugo Chavez."
Yes he is and he is also on the side of every single country in South and Central America.

....except when they attempt to follow their own rule of law that would support a republic.


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