Re: Questions regarding things I have suffered from an event happening to me by Charly ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 6/26/2009 3:45:16 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 2,745
I have a surfer grandson the same age as you. I'm so sorry to hear of anything like this happening.
I would make sure that you are drinking enough water. Most experts agree on the following: Half your weight in ozs. of water a day - If you weigh 150 lbs you need 75 ozs. of water divide it by 8 to get how many glasses of water you need in a day.
It sounds like maybe a Colon Cleanse would be good, if there is any old stuff in the colon it will come out. There are a number of ways to do this - you will need to research it. Juice fasting is one way if you have a juicer. A juice fast will clean up your body in alot of good ways. You can easily research this as well.
There are lots more ways to cleanse the body. I also have a son that is 26, and doesn't want to bother with any of this - he does love Carrot juice tho. And he would do a Liver Flush if he didn't need to prepare for it! I suppose it all depends on how much a person wants to accomlish something.
Just drinking aloe vera juice every day might work for you. Aloe can be added to fruit smoothies and isn't even noticeable. Aloe vera has a lot of health and healing benefits. If you choose to try this, start out with an a couple of tablespoons and gradulally increase to maybe a half of a cup daily - 2 ozs. in the morning and 2 in the evening.
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