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muscle testing and adjustments! by Miss Helfinger ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   6/25/2009 11:11:40 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   5,095

Warthog -

I've been scant on and off on threads and I just saw this. I've been wondering how you were. Oh, honey - I cannot imagine how you feel right now! You've been so helpful and supportive of me getting there to get pregnant and working so hard to get healthy to have your baby - your head must be spinning.

These folks are awesome. I love that you said you didn't have brain power for research and the thread doubled itself in people doing it for you! Ah, true goodness!

I have a few questions but perhaps they might be best saved for later when the child is more stable. I'd like to ask about Oregon law and why this is so - how even though you had a home birth that you're obligated by law to do this - and crud - should we all check on state laws like that before moving? Eeek! Oregon is one of the most leftist states in the union - I'm super surprised by this.

All I can say, is that I do wonder if you were saturated enough and didn't know it. I'm still super pro-iodine but I do wonder if while being pregnant that the catalyst for all other mineral uptake to the baby gave him a bit more Iodine than he could deal with for a bit. I would wonder if lowering the iodoral and upping Se for a bit wouldn't help - but that's all based on gut feeling for me. I'm so not in your shoes.

The idea of giving something synthetic to a child that's vibration is exactly where it needs to be = imbalance, to me. My adrenals were burned out from the time I was an infant and it led to massive anxiety problems as a kid. I wouldn't wish that on any child. If that were possible - I wouldn't do it for all the tea in china. If his adrenals become stimulated - you know that means mineral imbalance later. That could lead to more neuro-complications than letting him work out the hypo systems could. I'd get him muscle tested and ask his body what it needs. Remember, he's as close to 'source' as it gets right now - the right information is there - pull back from the forest for the trees and you'll feel calm about how to get there. I'd get him muscle tested, and adjusted. Those are non-invasive and will be investments to him leveling himself out more than any blood-drawn test could!

Peace and love to you, sweet lady. Your child AND you - are exactly where you need to be. :)


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