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Re: pcos/kelp/hypthyroid? by Iolite ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   6/24/2009 9:50:25 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   5,657

Kelp really is not a good source for Iodine supplementation since it can be contaminated with arsenic and unless your vendor can attest to it's purity, I'd use Lugols or Iodoral. Swanson's Vitamin online has 2 oz of 2% Lugols for $10. It will be more bang for your buck since it is higher in Iodine than kelp is per tablet. Google iodoral for the best price.

If you could join the Yahoo group Natural Thyroid Hormone and post your labs with ranges someone will be able to tell you whether your frees are optimal.

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