If it's NOT herpes/HSV what the hell could it be? by anxiousinca ..... Herpes Simplex 1 Forum
Date: 6/23/2009 10:45:01 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 13,694
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1443176
So here’s my story. This guy that I fooled around with told me the thing on the corner of his lips was NOT a herpes cold sore. He said it was a fever blister (yeah I now know that it’s the same thing, I’m a f***en m*o*o*n!) and anyway I told him no swapping bodily fluids (including no kissing, oral, nor sex), but the stupid bastard use his spit to moisten my clit.
5 days later I broke out with weird itchy pimple-like sores on my lower body, had a fever (rather more like mild to moderate hot flashes) for 5 days, and “felt like” I had several more sore ready to bust out on my lower body that were itchy (including one in my pubic hair area, but not visible). These certain (not visible sores) spots on my legs itched and the pubic area itched. The biggest visible sore on the top middle of my thigh started out looking much like a big (but weird) pimple but changed to look more like a bug or spider bite then there was short time it looked like a bit of a yellow puss spot and now there is still a bump under the skin and bruise-like spot left after over 3 weeks. The second one on my hip was a medium-smallish size and looked more like a pimple but it eventually definitely had a bigger yellow puss spot even though the whole sore was smaller.
Then a matter of days later (after the initial sores) I got a small itchy, but again, weird pimple-like sore in the middle of my breasts and other (not visible sores) certain spots started to itch, such as my upper chest, shoulders, arms, neck, nose (and had small red spots flush to the skin), one eye, scalp, and eventually hands. I even broke out a little on my wrist from itching so much and developed a small sore (not from over itching) on my hand.
I had a doctor’s appointment coming up and waited for that day, by then the sores started drying up but the doctor took a culture of the one on my chest and hip (the larger thigh one was dried up too much) and tested me for HSV 1 and 2. I also had a HSV 1 and 2 blood tests taken. All the results were negative.
I will take another blood test for HSV 1 and 2 at the 6 week mark in the middle of July. I expected these first blood tests to be negative as HSV takes 6 weeks to show up in a blood test (but not a puss culture that should show up right away) as I knew I had no STDs. I’m still scared I have HSV, because I’m wondering if the cultures were negative because the doctor only broke the skin and got only blood and didn’t break into the puss because they were too dried up or he didn’t dig deep enough because of the pain-face I was making while he was doing it. Or they were just weird pimples that can be caused from HSV (as I read) but don’t show up as HSV. Well I don’t know if a pimple outbreak caused by HSV shows up as HSV or not. Do you?
Also now I am breaking out in smaller version of those pimples on occasion and am having the (not visible sores) itchy spots in certain places and have some very mild hot flashes. Everything is kinda like before just much more mild.
The guy told me he was tested for HSV 1 and 2 about 8 months before and they were negative but he also told me he previously had cold sores years ago (this was two different conversations). That’s a contradiction, much like “No it’s not a cold sore but a fever blister.” And anyway since then he got tested and definitely has HSV 1 and is truly sorry. Some good that does me.
So I am hoping that this is the biggest 6 week scare of my life and that I don’t have HSV 1 or 2 but I still suspect that I do, BUT if I don’t have HSV WHAT THE HELL COULD IT BE?????????????????????
Also if I am negative at the 6 week mark, it possible that I still could possibly have it? I have heard it both ways, that yes it is possible and no it isn’t. I’m so confused.
Please give me something, some other logical thing it could be, I’m dying here. I can’t sleep more than 3 or 4 hours before I wake up and start thinking about it. I am so unhappy, I don’t listen to music and dance and do the happy things that I normally do. I think about this on an almost constant basis because not only do I have the symptoms again but I’m so worried about giving to others and I am now aware of every little thing I do that I never even realized that I did. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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