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pcos by dnina ..... Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS

Date:   8/30/2005 8:40:15 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,607

I am 25 years old, since 5 years ago I discovered that I have PCOS: my cycle is irregular, I have irregular menstrual cycle ( 1 in three months, those two other months I have only like brown spots) hirustism, and my hair is falling like crazy in the temple of my had (my hair is currently very rare). This year I also discovered that I do have pituitary microadenoma ( 3mm) but according to the lab test the doctor told me that it is inactive. The doctors told me take Diane 35, but I am very against it and I have not taken it (meaning that I am without the therapy).
Can you please advise me what to do? What kind of other therapy should I take according to tests but which are not to strong.

Already grateful on your feedback


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