A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE McDOUGALL PLAN by mouseclick ..... Diet & Nutrition Support Forum
Date: 6/19/2009 3:59:02 AM ( 16 y ago)
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The abstract beneath the video is taken from the first few pages of the excellent book "The McDougall Plan" by Dr John McDougall. The video is from the vegsource and processed people websites, in which the author tells his personal story.
VegSource VIDEO: Dr. John McDougall – Ex-Processed Person Date: May 4th 2009.
Dr. John McDougall wasn’t always the healthy fellow you see today.
He suffered with constipation, acne, lethargy, obesity -- and then a major stroke paralyzed the left side of his body. Dr. McDougall “gets it” -- because he’s been there.
Watch the video:
The McDougall Plan encourages you to adopt the diet and lifestyle which best supports your natural tendencies to heal and stay healthy. This supportive environment is based around proper foods, moderate exercise, adequate sunshine, pure air and water, and surroundings comfortable to your psychological wellbeing.
The primary component, the diet, is centered around a variety of starchy plant foods such as rice, potatoes, and pastas with the addition of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Animal-derived foods and plant products that are refined or otherwise processed are not health-supporting and are placed in the category called delicacies. Other plant foods that are also considered delicacies are those high in fat such as nuts, seeds, and avocados; and foods high in unprotected simple sugars; for example, honey, molasses, and maple syrup. These delicacy foods are to be reserved for special occasions and consumed only by healthy individuals. There are relative degrees of harmfulness among delicacies. No portions are recommended for the meal plan except that a starch should provide most of the calories. The quantity consumed each day is variable among individuals and governed by our highly efficient hunger drive. Foods that support your health easily make the most interesting and delicious meals you can imagine.
Additions and modifications of the basic meal plan include:
PERSONS WHO ARE ILL OR ON MEDICATION WHO WISH TO CHANGE THEIR DIET SHOULD DO SO ONLY UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A PHYSICIAN FAMILIAR WITH THE EFFECTS OF DIET ON HEALTH. Otherwise you are encouraged to start today this meal plan and lifestyle that have provided excellent support for the health of most of our ancestors from the beginning of time and will do the same for you.
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