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Re: Oxygen Therapy For Stage 4 Brain Tumor by patientadvocate ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum

Date:   6/9/2009 10:06:39 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   10,100

Getting ozone on board is a great idea however there are limitations.

Waiting for machines, doing it correctly, money are very limitting factors.

As a nurse, advocate, researcher, family survivor, I can tell you that you should have already started some kind of protocol for your wife.

Do not give cancer one day to become more metabolically viable again.

While you are waiting for ozone to become real therapy, there are very, very cheap and safe oxygen therapies that you can institute yesterday.

Don't wait for ozone. Once you get the equiptment which is pricey, people have had problems with their units not working correctly or improperly set up.

All of these therapies listed and talked about here on curezone do have some degree of efficacy. I cannot say that any one is quackery as they all contain proven anti- cancer substances.

They all share similar active ingredients, they all share common mechanisms of action.

The immune modulators and stimulators are a different subject and these are recommended too. They are NOT found in every treatment here, but can address the immune stimulants later.---

DMSO- dirt cheap, well chronicalled, sulfur compound containing MSM.

CHlorophyll and sunlight - See photodynamic therapy, (if it's good enough for AMA, its good enough for you)

Alkaline therapy - Aid and facilitate O2 absorbtion. Prevents Rna transcription (Warburg/Koch)

Ascorbate salts - Highly absorbable, several different levels of mechanisms from cofactor in immune system, to oxygen transport, to selective cancer toxictiy.

Coconut oil, grapeseed oil, flax seed oil (especially)

Food Grade peroxide- H202- few drops in green tea.

These are very cheap and a great start! They will have immediate impact, but to what degree is subjective.

Not discouraging ozone, I just know how hard it is to get going, how much it costs compared to other therapies.

If you could spit out a functioning, efficient ozone machine today, the process of ozonating water or oil is still a process that needs attention. Using correct bubblers and container, storage, etc.

I would encourage you to work towards that ozone goal.
But not at the expensive of your wife!

Seeing how cheap and safe these substances are,...I really think categorically guessing at what therapy will work,...leaves out and excludes good therapies that could have been on board for weeks now may have already impacted the disease.

I get sarcastic and ask, what has this patient done wrong to be not getting something that is non toxic, dirt cheap, and proven effective, (by means of animal, in vitro, clincal case histroy?)

What have they done wrong? They became cancer patients is the only thing they have done wrong! Last time I looked that wasn't a crime!

No offense to you, you should be slightly confused, scared, indecisive, and overwhelmed!

That is why I am attempting to give you frank, honest, and clear feedback, because I do not want your wife to lose this battle or race! It is your battle too!



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