Oxygen Therapy For Stage 4 Brain Tumor by kenwoody2 ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum
Date: 6/8/2009 3:08:48 PM ( 16 y ago)
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Hi all, My wife has stage 4 brain tumor on her brain stem along with a sist with a shunt going to her stomach. She has gone through the chemo/radation about almost 2 months ago and the tumor has shunk 20%. before all of that she had sugury back in Jan and 60-70% was removed. the question is is that ozone machine that someone could remented that will work close to the medacal grade ozone machine that doesn't have to use a oxygen tank or a ozone machine close to being like the medacal ozone, I just can't afored it. I'm wanting to do the water treatment along with the ear insufflation and ozone the rooms in the house.I have $700.00 to spend and don't know how much longer before this tumor of hers starts growning again. Her neurologist is tryin to get her in this experimental drug at Indianapolis that's been aproved for colon cancer by the FDA and they are now tryin it out on brain cancer. she see him this thursday to let her know if she can get on the program. If someone that have been getting very good resolves with there ozone machine that's not a medacal grade please let me know. Oh one more thing I come across a medacal grade ozone machine that's like a brifcase style that has to diffent models. one looks like it doesn't need to have oxygen hooked to it. anywhere please people let me know what will work. thanks, ken
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