The Salesman.................. by Corey ..... Jokes Kids Friendly Forum
Date: 6/8/2009 6:49:24 AM ( 16 y ago)
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A salesman checked into a hotel on a business trip. He was feeling a bit lonely so he got to thinking about some female company. Now that he thought about it some more, he wasn't lonely, he downright horny. The guy was a good salesman for his product, but he was very nervous around women. His fat belly, thick glasses and baldness didn't help his confidence any.
Since the salesman realized he wasn't particularly adept at picking up women at some bar, what was the point in even trying? Instead he thought he'd get one of those girls you see advertised in phone books from an "escort" service. He picked a number and dialed it.
As the phone rang, the man noticed his hands were shaking. He realized just how nervous he was. But he was willing to pay and they were advertising, so why not just ask for what he wanted?
He was so lost in his fantasy he actually jumped when a woman answered the phone in a husky voice.
She said, "Hello? Can I help you?"
"Yes, you can definitely help me. I hear you do escorts and massages. I'd like you to come to my hotel room and give me a massage. And after that I want sex! In fact I want jungle sex… wild, crazy hanging-from-the-chandelier type sex! I'm talking kinky, the whole night, you name it we'll do it! Bring all kinds of sex toys too! I don't care what they are, you can use them on me! You can even tie me up and then cover me in whipped cream! Now how does that sound?" he asked.
The woman said, "Interesting sir, but for an outside line, you must press 9 first."
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