Thoughts on vertigo...anyone? by bkrisp ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 6/6/2009 11:48:05 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 7,424
It's been a few years since I've been around curezone (busy with school) and I've been keeping myself in pretty good health but I've developed a constant reoccurence of vertigo. I'm so happy to see unyquity has a forum-I was afraid when I didn't see you posting a while back!
I haven't been to a doctor for it so I wasn't "diagnosed" but it's pretty evident that's what it is. i. e. once while driving started spinning so bad I had to pull over, barely missing a light pole.
I've been vegan since spring 2006. My first occurrence of vertigo followed directly after looking through a pair of binoculars while on a speedboat (just thinking about it makes me sick). This was in spring 2007.
I don't take any medication for it, so I've just been "dealing" with it, but it's not getting any better. My only "treatment" is an ice pack on my temples after something sets it off and that helps me feel more stable and unqueezy.
I must admit, my vegan diet is almost a joke the past year. With a full schedule, I haven't been able to do a lot of home cooking. I've honestly paid no attention to my protein intake, etc. I don't believe in fake vitamins, haven't had time for spirulina, seaweed, etc. supplements.
Is it possible I could be lacking an amino acid or mineral, etc. that is causing my now daily vertigo spells? Any ideas or research on what could be missing from my diet that might suppress the spells?
Here's a list of triggers: not eating for the first three-six hours of the day, caffeine in decaffeinated tea (very sensitive), caffeine in dark chocolate, any hat worn on my head (with or without visor), playing wii, my body overheating, a glass of wine, and trying to focus on something close to my face too quickly.
Lately, I've been second-guessing veganism. I'm sure you've all heard about the brain shrinkage, but I'm not ready to eat animal foods yet. I know because I tried one night recently and it was very unpalatable and unappetizing-though my dizzy spells seemed to skip past me even after a glass of wine.
All thoughts are welcome!!!
Thanks for reading,
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