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scared to death by tired31 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   6/3/2009 5:46:15 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   6,674

Oh my, I do not know when or how I got to this site, but it was bookmarked and I am glad I saved it.

Long story short, about 2 months ago , I kept seeing these little blackish/bluish tiny hairs on my body, as well as around the sink area, but I mean tiny not noticeable to the naked or insensitive Dr. as you will see.

I did not think for a minute that they were coming from me, but as I surveyed my skin, I started to wig out, they were coming from me, 1st mistake , I got a pair of tweezers and started to poke around well....... 4 hours later I looked like a war zone, I took some photos of my arms and sent them to a few select people and they were taken aback. This new past time of {looking for fabric} started to take of a lot of my time.

It sort of snowballed and fast ,I have insomnia as it is but at the height of this episode, I had not slept for 3 possibly four nights and I would sleep walk to the mirror and use the tweezers.

Then I started to notice random streaks of black on my body and they were gone as fast as they came, another one of the strange things that was going on was I swear to G my hair from my head looked as if it was moving on its own and would rub across my face and aim for a larger pore, over and over my friend and I watched as my own hair was Molesting me.

Mistake 2 I started to collect data and with such naivety in my soul I walked into the Dr offices one by one and the way I felt when I left was devastating. My friends and family were starting to worry , and on the last day of this episode the one and only I've had,,, I found myself going un announced to 2 Dr offices with small Tupperware of hair , and an 8x11 piece of paper with the little pieces were neatly attached. DUH I looked like a lunatic, but after 5 dr appts and they all are saying they don't see anything , I'm starting to lose it.

Next day my family arrived from 4,000 miles away and said "Why don't we take a trip to the ER, they will all the resources right there. So like that poor dog in the pound, thinking I'm going to finally get some relief , I put on my shoes and walked to the ER.

Mistake 3 Never leave the house after 3/4 days without sleep and wounds up and down your arm, and then say nooooo, I am not here for the wounds, I am here because these pieces of fiber keep coming out my arms.

6 days later , I was walking home.......

not once did anyone look at my arm.

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