Don't Forget Rocky53...Re: Top 200 Curezone Support Forums in TWO Months!!! by healinginHiswings ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 5/31/2009 10:27:35 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 1,145
While y'all "see" two zany ladies sprinkling iridescent love dust sparkles all over Mamma Earth and the rest of the Universe, there is a trinity (of course there would be), of which the third person is Uny's god-husband Rocky53. Uny couldn't do what she does if it weren't for that man. Uny sits in her computer chair answering all of your questions and loving on y'all as best as the Holy Spirit within her will let her, but it's Rocky who is stuffing IF#1 capsules and filling those orders, wrapping each bottle of tincture so carefully, and making sure you receive your orders as fast as possible so you can begin to HEAL. It's Rocky who is bringing Uny jars of juice to drink from her "command post" at the computer, making sure she gets some rest, tilling and planting the garden, and running to the post office to ship your precious goodies. It's Rocky that keeps Uny sane and laughing at life in the face of so many hurting people.
It's been my privilege to get to know this couple fairly well. Uny and I talk on the phone often. She is fond of saying "I married Jesus." Somebody who is wrapped up in religious legalism might have a hard time with that statement, but if you've read the New Testament at all, isn't a marriage supposed to be a reflection of Christ and the Church? Isn't Jesus "the Bridegroom" and the Church "His Glorious Bride?" (the answer is "yes" if you are I mean the "real" Church and not the whatever the PTB thing is we are calling "Church" today)It isn't often that I get to witness a marriage that works the way it's supposed to, but Uny and Rocky's is one that does (my own parents are another beautiful example).
If you guys have never seen the movie "The Princess Bride," you need to do yourselves a favor and see it. It turns out it's one of both Uny's and my favorite films. I bet I've seen it 100 times and I never get tired of it. If you fellas want to get inside the mind of a woman, watch this movie and take notes. lol Hint: you're Wesley, got it?
Sending twue wuv,
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