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How to cure a bladder infection naturally with ACV by mo123 ..... Sara’s Soup Kitchen

Date:   5/28/2009 10:50:48 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   49,401

Cure a Bladder Infection with Natural Remedies

Updated: 05/27/2009


50 YEA

[YEA]  10/25/2007: Kay from Knoxville, TN writes: "I'm an RN and don't have health insurance, go figure. But I did have a bladder infection that had been nagging me for 2 weeks. I knew I couldn't afford a doctor visit and UA culture, so I've been guzzling cranberry juice (and borrowing antibiotics) with no success. Yesterday, it became unbearable and I found this website. I went through ALL the testimonies, made a list of what I needed from the store and spent less than $10 on everything I bought. First I drank ACV in water. I waited an hour and drank sea salt in water as prescribed here. I was already feeling immediate relief. Next, I took a bath in ACV, baking soda and sea salt. I ate a can of asparagus and drank the juice. By now, there is NO pain. For the rest of the evening, I drank cranberry juice diluted in filtered water. Drank more ACV and baking soda before bed. Slept through the night and awoke with absolutely no symptoms. Am going to stay on ACV and the baths for a couple of days, then do maintenance of one glass of ACV in water/day.

This truly works. I should have known there was a 'natural' cure. Eight years ago I was told I would only live a year if I didn't undergo chemo/radiation for breast cancer. I refused and instead, I juiced myself into total remission. This bladder infection is the only "illness" I've had in 8 years and still didn't need a doctor! Thank you for this website."

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[YEA]  09/21/2007: Christy from GA writes: "I've been waiting until the end of the week before writing in just to make sure I had a true cure for a bladder infection! Details: Woke up Monday morn with full blown bladder infection. I went onto Earth Clinic and found a bunch of remedies. I drank 2 tablespoons of ACV in water first. An hour later I drank 2 teaspoons of sea salt in 8 oz of water. Then I went and soaked in a bath (per Tammy from Springfield, Missouri's recipe) of powdered ginger, baking soda and sea salt. I stayed in the tub until I had no more pain and burning: took about 20 minutes (thanks, Tammy!). Then I took another dose of ACV, this time with baking soda. All the pain was gone after that, or so I thought... Certain I was back to 100%, I didn't bother to take another dose of ACV before going to bed, and this was my error! I awoke at 2:00am with even worse pain and burning than the day before! So then, berating myself for not following up with the remedies, I went downstairs and took more acv with baking soda. Then I did the bath again for 20 minutes and went back to the toilet seat. An hour and a half went by, no change in the pain and intense desire to pee every 10 seconds. Then I took ANOTHER bath, but this time with 1 cup of acv only. The pain and burning went away in 20 minutes and I was able to get back to sleep. Not wanting to mess around, the next day I went to Whole Foods and bought Cranberry concentrate, homeopathic drops for bladder infections, ph testing strips, and D-Mannose supps. Overkill perhaps! I felt about 75% better before I went shopping, but was back to 100% in 24 hours and that was 3 days ago now.

A few notes to mention to those suffering with bladder infection: I think the reason why the bladder infection came roaring back in the middle of the night was that my pH plummeted from alkaline to acid. So I suggest that people do test their urinary pH and take the remedies according to their pH levels. When you have a bladder infection, you can swing from alkaline to acidic very rapidly!

Finally, after reading those D-Mannose testimonials on the bladder page, I have to say that most are FOR SURE written by an outside company and not readers of Earth Clinic. They often say the same thing over and over! But I still went with it and bought the supplements nonetheless. I think they did help overall.

Sorry for the lengthy email, but hopefully this will help someone going through the excruciating pain of a bladder infection in the middle of the night!"

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[YEA]  09/21/2007: Christine from Delafield, WI writes: "I am 55 years old and thought I was developing old-lady bladder. I was having to go to the bathroom at least every half hour, and it wasn't much. I also was getting up once or twice a night. This has been going on for almost a year now, and just recently the idea struck me that I might have a bladder infection. I found this website and tried the ACV remedy. I am so impressed that I had to write a note. Sometime during that first afternoon, I drank a 20-ounce glass of hot water with 4 T of organic ACV and honey to taste. Already the next morning I was feeling improved. I did it again yesterday and I was able to golf 9 holes, go out to dinner and come home and sit for a while (5 hours all together) and didn't have to go to the bathroom once. And as if that were not enough, I slept through the entire night last night without having to get up one single time. I can't remember the last time that happened. It is truly a great thing. Thanks for this website."

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[YEA]  09/07/2007: Tammy from Springfield, Missouri writes: "I am literally amazed today! Two days ago I felt a bladder infection coming on quickly (I don't usually get a lot of these) and I was dreading going to the doctor and putting up with the long, drawn out antibiotics treatments they give to treat it. I'm new to natural remedy treatments and was a bit skeptical at first. So last evening while I was in terrible pain and had been drinking cranberry juice all day, I decided enough was enough.

I mixed 2T Apple Cider Vinegar with 1t baking soda and poured a glass of bottled water into it. I added a bit of cayenne pepper to it and slammed it. If felt some relief shortly thereafter and did it again about an hour before bedtime. It was definately helping. This morning my pain was completely gone but the burning was still there. So I tried stomaching some more of the ACV (gawd that stuff's awful!) and only got about half of it down.

I decided instead to bathe in a mixture of
1C kosher salt (I was out of sea salt),
1C baking soda, and
2T powdered ginger.

This is a bathing recipe I haven't used in a long time. In the past I've just used it as a comfort bath making sure to shower and rinse thoroughly afterwards. So I bathed and guess what? Now my urge to urinate is gone! Thank you so much for this site and I can guarantee I'll be using it in the future! I'll let you know if it comes back or anything but as of right now I feel great!"

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[YEA]  08/22/2007: Lisa from Cape Canaveral, Fl writes: "I used to be prone to constant urinary infections to the point I no longer felt them. One time it had got so bad I actually felt the severest of symptoms. At the time no medical insurance and no money to go to a doctor. So I emailed a friend who had a huge book on herbs and natural remedies. He researched for me and found if I took a bath with apple cider vinegar it would eliminate the urinary infection because the urethra acts as a wick and draws the high ph into the bladder. Well I had no bathtub and no access to one. So we devised this plan. I would take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar and place it on my urethra for twenty min three to four times a day. The skin would burn and it did hurt alot. But I persisted. I woke up the next day and had no symptoms at all. I continued to use the acv for three more days. Since then I have not had another attack of urinary infection.

Years before I forgot to mention this. A neighbor told me about acv and honey as a remedy for headaches depression arthritis pain help and lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure. Well i suffered from all of these symptoms. I asked how much to take. She said she took two tablespoons each of acv and honey in enough hot water to melt the honey and drank it down half an hour before she ate. I did the same. The first week I lost ten pounds of excess water weight due to bad diet of too much salt. I sweated alot and peed alot. I lost a total of forty pounds. I had visited my doc before I started and thirty days after. He was amazed at the weight loss and asked how I did it. I told him and he said oh. he wasn't concerned at the amount in that short of a time. I should have been. It is dangerous to lose too much weight in a short amount of time. But I believe in my case it was extreme excess water weight. My cholesterol dropped from 256 to 156 in six months. My blood pressure was below normal and I couldn't gain weight. So acv and honey is my magic remedy. My kids would see me taking the acv and honey for my migraines. They wanted to try it for their headaches. Well after the first time they used it they didn't want tylenol anymore. Ever. To this day they are teenagers they remember it is instant and keeps the headaches away.

I have laxed in my daily regimen of acv and honey and have gained back the weight and the blood pressure. i am going to start it again. Anyways. Thank you for your time in reading its benefits to me. Hugs to you."

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[YEA]  08/16/2007: Michelle from Gladwin, MI writes: "I had been suffering from reoccurring urinary tract infections, and reading a lot about ph levels in the body. I found out by using ph strips that my body was at a 4.0 on the ph scale. I started taking the apple cider vinegar to change my ph (which is now stable at a 6.5). My urinary tract infections cleared up, my acne cleared up, my heart burn cleared up. I am completely shocked and grateful that I ran across this home remedy."

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[YEA]  05/27/2007: Linda from Hollister, CA writes: "I read this site and I'm so glad I did. For a week I have had the sensation of needing to urinate, going often with very little output. I first got the cranberry juice which has worked in the past but didn't seem to this time. Last night I took a soup spoon and a half of vinegar by mouth and within an hour or so, no sensation like I'd had before! Thanks guys, very much! I also must say that I had no stomach pain or back pain or anything else associated with this, it was just the sensation which is very unsettling. I love asparagus, so I will try that remedy or maybe just eat them anyway----you know for extra insurance!"

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[YEA]  05/02/2007: teechie from mansfield, ohio writes: "Last year i got my first bladder infection with antibiotic to treat it. But after 1 month it came back, again i got rid of it by pills from the doctor. During the process i told a friend about my painful experience. She suggested a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every night before bedtime. Since then ive had no more bladder infections! Recently it came back due to not urinating before or after having intercourse. so as long as you do that, and take the ACV, no more painful bladder infections!"

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[YEA]  04/13/2007: Anoo from Burlington, Canada writes: "I had my first bladder infecton today-sex related. I have gone from the extreme urge to urinate without having to, crawled up in fetal position to avoid pain, and extreme pain when urinating but not actually needing to. I drank alost 2 L of cran juice without need to urinate. Have been drinking 4 TBS of Apple Cider vinegar ever hour or so in a dash o f water, a full dropper of Oil of oregano every hour or so. I went from fetal position of urination urge and lv 18 of 1-10 of after void pain to lv 2 with constant apple cider vinegar, oil of oregano, and a urinary tract combo with d-mannose in a span of 8 hours."

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[YEA]  02/06/2007: Mary from Nevada City, CA writes: "I had great luck last year with d-mannose - and when I told my friends about it, they tried it too - ext me they needed it. They were also amazed at how quickly it worked. But I gave so much away that I didn't have any left when I felt a UTI coming on today. Normally these haven't reversed themselves and I was concerned - so I came back to your site wondering about ACV for a UTI. I have had a few doses today (2 TBL in water) and I think the problem is almost completely gone!"

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[YEA]  01/30/2007: Michelle from Kanab, Utah writes: "I had a kidney stone and was having a hard time passing it. I started taking apple vinegar cider in red raspberry tea after the second cup almost all my pain was gone. It also helps clear up blatter infections. "

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[YEA]  10/07/2006: Anonymous writes: "Organic Apple Cider vinegar, with the "mother" (the floating pulp) in the bottle, for a urinary tract infection. Two tablespoons to eight ounces of distilled water. Drink at least four times a day, but more if possible. Also, for a really sever UTI, try four tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar to sixteen ounces of distilled water. It cured my UTI last year, in less than one day. I felt relief almost instantly. I just got another UTI this past week, and the Apple Cider Vinegar worked again."

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[YEA]  09/07/2006: Rami from Santa Cruz, CA writes: "This is how I cured my bladder infection. I had such frequent urge to urinate, and burning sensation I was going nuts. I could hardly fall asleep, and I could not be comfortable the entire day. After the initial infection, I had a low grade fever, with soreness and chills that lasted for three days. I followed the natural healing perscription based on my studies of the theory of Toxemia and disease, and as soon as I acknowledged my fever, I stopped eating, I also had little appetite.

After three days, I stayed really warm, and took very hot bath's, my fever left. But the burning urination only improved about 20%.

The improvement was largely from Apple Cider vinegar which I was consuming as often as I could tolerate. I noticed it was not helping too much, so I tried Echniacea tincture, and Goldenseal Tincture, frequently during the fast, they where of little help. My kidney's where aching, and I could feel my veins pulsating throughout my urinary system and lymph system.

I was getting desperate, I bought Oregano Oil extract from Gaia herbs. This instantly made me feel about 50% better, and my whole body relaxed. Even though I was gradually improving by this point, the Oregano Oil was not working as well as I would have liked.

I consulted with an acupuncturist, she recommended Uva Ursi and the Chinese formula Nu Ke Ba Zhen Wan, which also has a different name, but is the same formula. Anyway, both of those last two treatments, especially together, where magic. Thank you to all the people in the world who created Chinese medicine and its herbs. Instead of the typical dose of three pills, I took like 8-10. After I took the pills, my body would feel feverish, and it would feel like I was getting worse, in reality, the pills helped expell the toxins, a few hours later, I would feel much better.

It took about 2 weeks to heal. I never went and saw a doctor. I am still at 95%, but I keep getting better every day, and I no longer feel sick, and the urge to urninate frequently is almost entire gone. I hope this helps you!"

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[YEA]  10/12/2005: A Falco from Hamilton, Ont. writes: "I have re-occurancces of bladder infections. I either used anti-biotics or pills from a naturalpath doctor--but I have discovered acv and it works. 2tsp. in a glass of water 6 to 8 times a day for 3 days and reduce as you feel better. I feel more active as well."

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[NAY]  collette from gaway, ireland writes: "hi,this is a great site,just found it yesterday as looking for a relief from recurring sinus problem including painful sores on inside tip of nose...not nice! also had just finished taking medicine for cystitus and was all clear. took the 2 tblsp/8oz water and honey last night....loosened mucus almost immediately. but woke at 5 this morn with that burning urinary pain and wonder did the acid in the vinegar trigger the problem again? drinking cranberry juice now..... would really like to give the acv a good go but dont know what to do now!!! please help and god bless"

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10 YEA

[YEA]  02/05/2009: Margaret from Ucluelet, British Columbia Canada writes: "I looked up your site after a bladder infection came on quite suddenly late in the day. I havn't had many of them so my first response would be to immediately get in a doctors visit especially since there was blood in my urine.This couldn't happen until the following morning but having to work I needed something right away. I remembered reading about baking soda helping but then I read all of the successes from your site about acv.I had some on hand and I followed the advise from one of your postings to start off flushing the bladder and voiding by drinking large quantites of water- 8 oz. or more and after an hour or so I started with the acv. I used two tablespoons in about 8OZ. of water and did this almost on the half hour. After about four hours I was still experiencing painful urination and blood but the urgency was easing up some. It was getting close to bed time and I decided to try some baking soda - two teaspoons in 8oz. of water. Within half an hour the urgency was definitly subsiding. Before bed I took on more dose of acv and took two anti- inflamatories. I slept on the couch so my husband could sleep. Amazingly I only had to get up twice to urinate and the pain was definitly better with much less blood.I was able to sleep and in the morming - much to my grateful relief I had no pain and the blood was gone. I took another dose of baking soda and after about a half hour took another dose of acv. I called to cancell my doctors appt. I made it through my day at work even though I wasn't drinking as much water as I probably should have because I couldn,t take all the bathroom braeks- I didn't have the urge to go. Today I am home flushing my system some more and feeling very good. I will continue with the acv . I took the baking soda this morning and will take another dose this evening. I am so impressed with my recovery and the power of this remedy. I will be using acv for its tonic and curative effects daily in my life."

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[YEA]  01/10/2009: Harriet from Milton, GA, USA writes: "Baking soda and ACV cured my chronic Urinary Tract Infections. I was desperate to find relief one weekend, when I didn't want to go to "Urgent Care" which costs three times as much as a regular co-pay, so I consulted Earth Clinic. I took 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda (the organic kind from Bob's Red Mill with no aluminum) mixed with a tablespoon of ACV four times the first day, then 3 times the second day, twice the third day and it was completely gone!! Thank you for this amazing site!"

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11/07/2008: Dominique from Seattle, Washington, USA writes: "Re acidic level of urine in helping finding the status of UTI. My pharmacist told me thet it should be acidic 6 or below. I was surprised that he felt ok with the vinegar but not the baking soda which in his opinion could cause acid reflex. I would love some feedback on this. I just bought some strips to measure the acid/alkaline levels in my urine and sure would like to a second, 3rd or more opinion in this matter
Thank you in advance for your consideration."

[YEA]  12/12/2008: Leilani from Seattle, WA replies: "I woke up with what felt like a bladder infection. These are my journal notes:

Day 1:

These used to be a massive reoccuring problem. Unfortunately I have been neglectful of the things that keep them at bay for me [which include regular vitamin c and good water intake.] So, I'm trying an at home remedy today and if it persists, I swear I'll take the uristat [pain drugs] and go to the doc for some antibiotics. We'll see how it goes... So far, this is my plan for the day: no sugars, less carbs, more water, vitamin C, and drinking a shot of plain unfiltered organic ACV [apple cider vinegar] in a big glass of water every other big glass of water. Drinking teas with no soy milk no sugar or honey that are natural as well. *fingers crossed*

This morning: deep bladder ache feeling [stitch in side kind of pain]. Frequent urge to urinate and barely no flow when I did. Ache increased when urinating and afterwards. No back pain [whacked myself just to be sure.] Also realizing I ate a ton of sugar last week when I had a cold virus including - cough drops, sipping honey stuff constantly, etc.= Self- diagnosed UTI. Haven't had one in years...

The home-remedy regime:

One 16 oz. glass of water, 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar, and 1 tsp. baking soda
Followed over time by 2 16 oz. glasses of water

Then 1 cup of herb tea.
Additionally no sugars or extra carbs today - just eating chicken soup I made this weekend.

So far I've done the above twice today.

Other things I've done today:
+ 1x a day 1 tsp sea salt in warm water 6 oz or so
+ taking ester C - 500 mg at every meal

By the end of the day:

Very mild, deep pressure pain in bladder. Urinating large quantities and reasonably often every 30-60 minutes. No pain with urination.

I'd be interested in getting some cranberry extract or capsules and oregano oil as well in the home remedy options. Oh, well there's a bright side to all this. Two things: one I'll probably loose more weight as result of this.

Day 2:

So I did my thing yesterday as I outlined 4x total yesterday with the baking soda & ACV. [ack that s*** tastes bad].

Wrapped up the day yesterday with a hot bath with yet more baking soda and ACV. Yes, I didn't just drink it I bathed in it. It's actually kinda nice for a bath. And lastly, I took a ester C every time I woke last night to get up to pee because believe me I had to get up a couple times.

Today, I started the day with more ACV & baking soda. uck! And tea and water. I'll try to down the ACV & baking soda mixture three times today with lots of water as well. Continuing with the very minimal carbs and no sugars.

How do I feel: pretty much fine. No urgency. No discomfort when urinating or after. Very very mild awareness of my bladder which could be infection related or could because I still am peeing every 30-60 minutes since I'm drinking so many fluids. Oddly, yesterday I was wired after all that water & ACV.I slept in a little today. I'm hopeful at this point that I'm kicking this and it's going away. *fingers crossed*

Day 3:

I tried to exercise a little [light of my normal routinge = pushups and a number of situps, squats, etc.] That and the dose of apple cider vinegar & baking soda this morning made my tummy unhappy. But other than that, I now seem to be feeling generally ok. I had a little sugar today in my tea [as in sweetened rice milk] and had Vietnamese feast including rice noodles and table sauce which includes sugar. I feel a little hyper from all the good food but my tummy has stopped hurting [all that damn apple cider vinegar] and carbs taste good! I still had a couple esterC's today with lots of water today. Generally, I'm feeling mostly ok and not so damn scatter brained as yesterday [two days no carbs & sugar makes me dumb.] I seem to be going to the bathroom like a normal highly hydrated person and eating pretty ok. *fingers crossed*

Day 4:

I'm feeling even better today. Eating normally but less sugar over-all. Still taking ester C and doing 2-3 doses of ACV & baking soda a day. Mygoddess real food tastes good. Oh, and I realized I could sweeten the home remedy with stevia. doh. It's still nasty but not nausea-making. I'm thinking I'm through the woods but just being careful.

Over Day 4-6 drank unsweetened cranberry juice with stevia.

After Day 4 on...

Continuing to drink good amounts of water, take normal doses of Ester C, and taking at least one shot of ACV [2 tsp.s] every morning followed by big glass of water. Stopped ACV & Baking soda combination.

After Day 4 symptoms, seem to have gone. It's been a week since my first symptoms. And I feel normal and good. I've lost some weight which is a nice side benefit. Hope this helps someone else; it's nice to have to take antibiotics and throw off the whole system.

Thank you for this website!!!"
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[YEA]  10/27/2008: Martha from Chantilly, VA writes: "ACV cured my UTI. I have had UTIs before so recognized the symptoms. 9 PM Saturday two wks before this post, started having minor symptoms. By Sunday night, knew for sure it was a UTI. Started drinking lots of water, which I should have done earlier. By 4 AM, pain was terrible and couldn't sleep so logged on the Internet and found your website. I tried the ACV with a little baking soda. I used 6 tbsp ACV the first dose and then 3tbsp ~every 6 hours with water. I consumed 10 oz over 48 hour period. The pain was gone within 2 hours of the first dose. I also started having back pain about the same time I got the UTI. Two days no coffee, very little sleep intense back pain, I thought maybe the UTI had moved into my kidneys. I went to the doctor on the 3rd day, doctor confirmed no UTI. And he said I could have coffee - life had meaning again. The back pain turned out to be unrelated from physical activity I had done on the weekend. More importantly, doctor confirmed UTI was gone after 3 days of vinegar. Since then, I've continued to consume ACV - just a few teaspoons to my diet each day. Add a little stievia and water with the unfiltered ACV, add a little baking soda and it makes a fizzy drink. Not bad. Thank you for your website."

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[YEA]  10/24/2008: Zel from Liberty , MO writes: "I had a very uncomtable UTI today. I used apple cider mixed with water and baking soda. In less than hour after taking it and drinking a lot of water the pain was gone and I did not have to go every few minutes. This really works I have suffered from UTI for years and this is the first home remedy I have tried that worked."

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[YEA]  09/01/2008: Kelly from Sacramento, CA writes: "I am 27 year old female. I have Fibromyalgia and a few other illnesses. I had a really bad UTI four years ago. I called my doctor and was put on antibiotic. It went away for a while but came back as a raging kidney infection. I had to go to the hospital and had a 103 fever. So two weeks ago when i started to have the UTI symptoms i wasn't happy. I called my doctor right away and had him prescribe antibiotic. I have had ill health since i was a kid and been on antibiotics on and off so I need a VERY strong one for them to work. This one didn't. The symptoms started coming back and even worse then before. I found this website and wanted to try the apple cider vinegar remedy. I took two tablespoons of it in a glass of water with some honey for taste. It made a difference but i was still miserable. So i decided to try it again and add a tablespoon of baking soda with it. And within a hour all my symptoms were gone! I am also taking cramberry liquid tabs and other herbs. I have kept taking it for a few days. Three to four times a day, and more you hurt the more you take. If i started to feel the symptoms again I would take another dose. Today I am stopping and will see what happens and if they come back but so far so good. The only warning I have is that if you have any stomach problems be really careful with the vinegar and baking soda. It can tear you up and be a laxative. It does clean out your sinus' and makes you have to urinate more which is great. I am so glad i found this site and THANK YOU to everyone that has posted. It is gross but So worth the result!"

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[YEA]  05/28/2008: John from Medford, Oregon writes: "Since birth I have been a medical case that doctors have now concluded that they don't know what to do with me thus being handed around in an effort to get rid of me. In the end all that is prescribed are drugs that leave you in a state of lifelong vegetation and perhaps enough chemicals to embalm. It is ever more clear that a patient must conduct their own unbound exhaustive study. The amount of available and changing research is so infinite that I have been updating my personal doctor, who has no ability to focus on just one patient.
Yet after years of study I fell on this most simple remedy:
ACV and Baking Soda.
Bladder infection is an unmistakable experience that needs little diagnosis that you get slammed with.
Mixing ACV and BS is best not taken individually. You've seen those elementary classroom demonstrations of a volcano?
Anyways, every few hours I had a glass of the nasty stuff along with water...And, no week-long side effects requiring unproductive hours on the couch! Within 12 hours I was cured. All Gone!!"

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[YEA]  05/20/2008: Betsy from Capetown, South Africa writes: "apple cider vinegar and bladder infections:
30 years of infections off and on, been on antibiotics so long that I can't have much immune system left. urologist doesn't know. I have had 10 bladder stretches, have to cath rise every time as bladder does not want to empty properly any more, was ready to have my bladder diverted as quality of life is just horrible. tried all kinds of remedies over the years but nothing helps had a full blown infection continiously until I found your site i tried apple cider vinegar with bicarb [baking soda]. i take it 4 x a day and i have been clear for the first time since the beg of 2007 i have been antibiot and it is now a 8 days later i test my urine 2 a day and i am completely clear it is unbelieveble I am exstatic i am so pleased I found your site .thank u thank u thank u !!!!!!!!!!!!!
regards Betsy"

02/02/2009: Whilly from Cache Creek, BC Canada replies: "to betsy from capetown. wonder if you will get this message. sounds like you have bladder prolapse and possibly uterus prolapse - meaning they are falling out. sometimes feels like bladder infection. as the bladder falls (eventually out) it pulls urethra. you have to pee all the time and unless you drink huge amounts of water all you get is a trickle = your bladder doesn't empty all the way. the more water, the less discomfort, but you should see a gynaecologist. and be sure he/she checks you while standing and pushing like you were carrying something. they can miss this problem if they only check you lying down and making a cough or two. then, one day, out of the blue you have a good chance your bladder will start coming out of you. seriously, this is true. i had problems for years. had surgery 2 months ago and feel great other than i now have a bladder infection. could have been the cateter or the meds or just happen. take care hope this gets to you."
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[YEA]  02/19/2007: Sandy from Orlando, FL writes: "Hi, I have had a recurring Urinary Tract infection so far 3 times in the past 6 months, to which my Dr has prescribed antibiotics. I felt it coming on and as my Dr was out of town was unable to get my prescription refilled for antibiotics. As I was in a great deal of pain (for 3 days and popping AZO tabs like mints) I was searching the internet for a natural remedy and came across this website. I did the vinegar and baking soda remedy and within a few hours the pain was completely gone and has not returned. I didn't have ACV on hand so I did it with just plain white vinegar (2T), baking soda (1t) and water and added a few drops of cayenne pepper. I am so happy!!! Yesterday I was coming home from a trip a feeling myself coming down with Flu Sx (achy, sore throat, and weak). I took some Advil to get thru the long car trip home. When I got home I was exhausted and went right to bed. When I woke up I felt horrible as I could barely swallow, my ears, and face (sinuses) hurt, as well as achy joints all over. I was eager to try the ACV and baking soda (added cayenne and echinacea drops too) cure and took the first drink at about 3 am. It is now 2pm the next day I have taken about 5 glassfuls and I feel 100% better. I still have very mild tired feeling but all other sx are completely gone. Its amazing"

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[YEA]  01/28/2007: Pat from Lamper, MO writes: "Recently had bladder infection, solved with baking soda and ACV. Nobody ever discusses Vit C problem. If I take Vit C or even a health bar with citric acid, I develop kidney or bladder problem. Would love to cleanse with your 1/4 tsp lemon, soda and pinch of Magnesium and potassium."

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Dear Pat: If I have a bladder infection or even a kidney problems, yes, vitamin C and citric acid is not helpful. But it is NOT the vitamin C or the citric acid being the problem. It is the pH of the things you are consuming. In event of this problem (uti), the pH should be over 8.

Vitamin C are of two types and people tend to lump them all together. One is the ascorbic acid which is acid and tends to promote bacteria growth by acidity. A sodium ascorbate vitamin C has a pH of about 8 and it prevents bacterial growth. A vitamin C can be both a pro-oxidant and an anti-oxidant depending on the pH. Vitamin C is a two edge sword. If the vitamin C is acid, it is a pro-oxidant. If the vitamin C is alkalline it is an anti-oxidant.

Citric acid and sodium citrate are very different, but chemically they are the similar in most ways, but at different pH.

When a baking soda is reacted with citric acid, it becomes sodium citrate and its pH is over 8. So in event of a kidney and bladder infection whatever you eat, its pH should be 8, or at least 7.

How do I know this is the issue. You mentioned you were helped with baking soda and ACV. The pH is about 7, but if reacted long enough it is between 7.5 to 8.0

It is the same with the other ones. It helps therefore to get a good pH paper and measure it and make sure it is alkaline and pH is about 8 in event of an infection.

Sea salt -- 1 teaspoon one dose only in one glass of water usually will kill the bladder infection. But for tough cases take this along with cranberry juice and some baking soda to increase the alkalinity of cranberry juice to about pH of 8. Sea salt pH is quite often pH is between 7.5 to 8.5. A good quality sea salt will have a pH of 8, a very bad one I have seen (overprocessed overpurified) can be as low as 6. A good sea salt is light brown and never bleached white."

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