Re: 11 centimeter kidney stone by UserX ..... Kidney Stones Cleansing Forum
Date: 3/22/2004 3:25:40 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 3,069
I feel for you. I would recommend you drink tons of water. I prefer distilled. I start the day with a nice big 16 ounce glass.
I also cut out all black and green tea. I don't have cocoa or chocolate on any regular basis. I will never drink the tea. I still have spinach occasionally.
I juice one lemon and one lime daily into a master cleanse type drink with 16 oz water, cayenne and maple syrup. Recent studies have shown that 4 oz of lemon juice (fresh) daily has worked as well as a prescription. Citrate helps keep stones at bay.
I also take a bottle of kidney bladder formula every once in awhile and I have 2lbs of gravel and hydrangea root around for a tea along with some nice marshmallow.
I don't take any calcium pills but I make sure to get plenty of calcium. Studies show that naturally high levels of calcium help prevent calcium oxalic stones while supplemental forms do not.
Feel good!
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