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How would you react to the hard evidences that would incriminate the ones deliberately brutalizing, maltreating and physically abusing mentally-ill people ? by #91370 ..... CureZone Open Debate

Date:   5/15/2009 8:15:28 AM ( 16 y ago)
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As a matter of fact, I also wish that there's a Utopia, or rather, realisitcally a 'better world' out there, but unfortunately, the reality just somehow proves otherwise. And this is actually proven to me over and over again by all those secretly taken photos (mostly filmed down by concealed cell phones and other hidden recording devices), other secretly taped video clips, recorded conversations, other pictured real-time live-scenes etc of such deliberate physical brutalities tortures, maltreatments etc "practiced" (purely for amusement purposes by the salaried sadistic medical operatives and other paramedices especially in such public psychiatric medical facilities onto the mentally-ill in-patients) that have been brought to my notices by my counterparts working in U.S and other European countries.


In such a connection, such deliberate physical abuses, tortures, maltreatments, brutalities etc are most of the times inflicted in the forms of bashings, punchings, beatings, whackings, clobberings, batterings, cudgellings, kickings, slappings, smackings and whatever forms of purposeful physical grievous bodily harms, wounds and injuries done against the mentally ill in-patients kept in the public psychiatric medical facilities.

Next, I would like to ask you all one question :

If you were the one in possession of all these hard evidences which are all about the physical abuses, maltreatments and brutalities etc inflicted deliberately upon the mentally-ill ones, just how will you react in return ?

1 ) Destroying all those evidences immediately so as to protect the ones you deem to deserve such protections from you ? And in fact, that's exactly what the other co-workers of all those sadistic officers-in-charge would do without any hesitations in the very first place.

2 ) Getting them fired, getting them placed on the watch-list, getting their 'workplaces' closed down etc, and consider all those disciplinary actions as the so-called 'proportionate punishments' that these people would rightfully deserve ? And in fact, these are the things happening now exactly.

3 ) Getting the ones committing such brutal acts to get sent to the police, to get them sued by the authority, to get them stand trial for their crimes of aggravated assaults, grievous bodily harms, and maybe attempted murders etc, and then to get them punished by jail sentences like what I have suggested ?

As a matter of fact, we can't wait to choose the third option. Unfortunately, that would simply take the right time and the right opportunity as well as the right place for such a thing to happen eventually.


For your further information, such acts of atrocities are actually acquiesced, condoned and connived almost totally and automatically by the related authorities and other law enforcers (persons-in-charge of such psychiatric medical facilities, police, inspectors etc) who are not bothered at all with the physical pains and sufferings of those mentally ill in-patients kept in those medical facilities.

In such a connection, the underlying "justification" for such "acts of discretion" "exercised" by all those authorities and law enforcers is simply : "Well, mentally-ill people are hardly the real human beings at all, and hence they are simply not entitled to any legal human rights under the constitution.".

Or to put it bluntly, to these authorities and law enforcers, mentally-ill people are as good as livestocks and animals rightfully to get butchered and slaughtered. And hence, such deliberate acts of tortures, physical abuses, maltreatments, brutalities etc "practised" onto the mentally-ill ones, well, they would simply mean nothing inhumane at all to all those authorities and law enforcers (the police, inspectors etc).

Hence, if anyone were to ask all those authorities and law enforcers (the police, inspectors etc) to bring all those people "practising" the deliberate acts of tortures, physical abuses, maltreatments, brutalities etc "practised" onto the mentally-ill ones to justices, they most likely would just respond to you by saying " Hey, you must be kidding me".

This may just sound to be harshly cruel, but unfortunately, that's also the harsh reality of life that the most governments and other authorities are clinging to, legalizing and "practicing" in reality.

Just how inhumane they are.

And I wish to remind you all that under every single normal circumstance, such acts of deliberate aggravated assaults done to anyone would definitely give rise to serious criminal charges and actionable legal proceedings as well as eventually, jail sentences for the ones perpetrating them.

And these are simply what the basic human rights are all about.

Then, can you all just imagine how pathetically unfair it is for such mentally-ill people to be denied outright, or rather, to get totally deprived of even such basic human rights which are undisputedly guaranteed by the constitution to every single human being ?


Besides, despite the fact that mentally-ill people are actually a particular group of persons who are unable to defend themselves at all, this particular fact / "reasoning" should not, under any circumstances, constitute a "valid ground" for all the unfairness, inequities, injustices, deliberate physical abuses, brutalities, tortures, maltreatments etc inflicted onto them by the others. And this is for the very reason that all these inhumanities, atrocities and monstrosities are simply and obviously brazen and blatant violations of the basic humanitarian principles.


So, are we really going to just remain silent on these unfair issues that concern miscellaneous blatant violations of human rights and total disregards for human lives inflicted onto the mentally-ill people who would otherwise rightfully and desperately deserve them ?


Follow-up (With BBC Videos) : - Care Homes : CCTV 'could be considered', Secret filming by BBC Panorama shows some residents being taunted, roughly handled and one being slapped etc. (please refer to the relevant video clips) - Care Homes : The known and the unknown


Whilst certainly and naturally, anyone would generally, objectively and reasonably agree and believe that the real-life cases of deliberate abuses as pointed out above is obviously and merely a small and tiny tip of the whole big iceberg of the topic elaborated in this and the prior post above.


as excerpted from:

(Please refer to post # 32)

Other Key Points To Ponder Over - - Issues on Secret Filmings (In Any Forms) In Relation to the BBC Videoed Documentary Above - Follow-up : Other Ugly Truths About Cost-cutting Policy of The Public Psychiatric Medical Facility  - Follow-up from the preceding article above - Antipsychotics & Neuroleptics - Striking a Fine Balance for Such Double-edge Swords -Follow-up from the preceding 2 articles above - Extrapyramidal Symptoms - Various forms of abnormal body movements - Official Information In Relation to the prior 3 posts above - More Related Videos




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