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Re: Any advice on a protocol for Lyme Disease? by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   5/12/2009 5:08:42 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   4,291

quick inserts ...


The garlic allergy thing is something I discovered one year when I got what I thought were seasonal allergies. It was awful... I never had allergies before. I felt like I swallowed a steel wool ball & it was in my lungs. This was before I had Lyme or Fibromyalgia.  all allergies & 'food reactions' are liver-based (or toxin based) - I've never seen or heard of any allergies that didn't go away with liver cleansing & healing (some people lose all their allergies without addressing anything BUT their liver...which is amazing, considering a toxic bowel compromises the liver 24 hours a day).

Later, I discovered it was from eating alot of raw garlic on sliced Jersey tomatoes with olive oil & balsamic vinegar. It was the summer & I was eating this quite often. If I take alot of raw garlic again, I start to get those symptoms. I did some research & some people can get allergies to it. I think Bob Beck had some info about it. Otherwise, I don't have any allergies to most anything I can think of. Pollen, cats, dust, nuts, chocolate - no problem...

Some reference about it -

"Reactions CAN make their appearance due to over-ingesting a particular substance ('simply our body's way of saying 'enough is enough already') - but a reaction to a natural food 'in moderation' is a symptom of a toxic liver/body.  Mr. Beck "theory" doesn't stand the test of time...garlic in large quantities has been ingested safely and without reaction (or 'brain compromise' :::sigh:::) for centuries.  The fault isn't the garlic - the fault is the faulty condition of our bodies.

I don't think it may be this extreme but I don't really know. It does seem to effect me for some reason. I always believed that garlic was good. A garlic tincture or freeze dried garlic may effect me differently. I don't know.Freeze dried is the only alternative (and I'm not too sure about that).  The half life of allicin is around 10 anything but raw/fresh, you have a degradation or elimination of the allicin.  Of course one still gets the non-allicin benefits (which are many).

My husband is allergic to raw fruit & veggies - so, people can have weird allergies to things.  If your husband reacts to raw fruits & vegetables, his liver is very compromised.  Cancer is NEVER seen without some level of liver compromise.  At the VERY least, he should start taking 2-3 tablespoons of ground milk thistle seed daily (easy when mixed in a daily superfood smoothie).

I would actually be happy to just get my organs a bit less toxic. You can assume simply by living on this planet (where newborn children have been tested/proven to have over TWO HUNDRED toxic chemicals in their bloodstream), that your organs needs far more than just being "a bit less toxic"!  Our organs of elimination run on hyper-drive 24 hours a day (think of a Ferrari doing the same).  Most of us have NEVER even changed the oil, let alone done regular maintenance and engine cleaning & restoring. I have been working with some interesting "energetic medicine". I know Schulze is not into it but I have found that it works. I need to get the toxins out so I can proceed with it.  I don't care whether "Schulze is into or not" - cleansing the body/organs is basic logic & common sense (people have been doing it for centuries).  "energy medicine" doesn't unclog a liver, nor does it get pounds of putrefying fecal matter out of the colon (unless of course, one is as "in tune" as someone like Jesus Christ, and can consistently heal 'energetically')

I'm pretty concerned with mercury right now. After doing some detox - it may be something else that comes up. I think I may have gotten the Lyme under control. I was taking prescription pain meds for a long time at a low dose to be able to function - so, it may have damaged my liver a bit. All toxins need to be addressed.  If you haven't totally beat Lyme, getting it under control means only that you've lessened the symptoms :(  Pharmaceuticals on top of environmental/food toxins = more than "damaged liver a bit" :(

I don't know if the Incurables Program is a cure but I'd like to give it a go. I think it's a bit dangerous to look at any one practitioner as a "god". Nobody on this forum is doing that (if they do, I will make sure they understand not to). Some people get that way about doctors. We each have to find our own way out of this mess... Sometimes we get lucky & find someone who can help but sometimes it's just up to us to heal ourselves.  The whole point of "the incurables program" is NOT to "cure" any specific disease (although cleansing the body and restoring circulation throughout WILL cure disease).  Check this out when you have a few minutes: How "Cures" Happen:

Take care!  You do the same!  Uny


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